Chapter 17: Recording at the Home Studio

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Everything was going according to our plan and today Stephanie and Conchita were going to come at my home for recording their voice and  to input their vocals into the guitar solo's audio which I had already produced earlier that day. It was decided that they will be at my place by 3:30 pm. They kept me waiting.
I called Conchita. 

"Where are you?" I asked.

"Oh we are coming... I went to pick up Steph."

"Be quick!"


I was getting bored, so I started playing 'Assassins Creed 4: Black Flag'. It was the best game in the whole Assassins Creed series. I was addicted to it. The main character of this game was Edward Kaneway. I wish I could assassinate people like him... and leap of faith! How can I forget Leap of Faith!? Jumping form tall buildings and landing safely and softly on a haystack... I wish I could do that.

I was so engrossed in that game that I didn't noticed the time at all. It was only after I was desynchronised. I paused it and unlocked my phone to see what time it was. My phone was on silent mode. I noticed that my phone was ringing. It was Conchita's call.

Oh they arrived. I unlocked the door and they both moved in.

"Sorry!" They said.

"Ah never mind." I guided them to my room. I went to kitchen, opened the fridge door and took two cola cans to offer them.

I had to open my DAW application, so I started closing the Animus's simulation.

"Wait! Is that the Assassins Creed Black Flag?" Stephanie asked excitedly.

"Yes! Are you a gamer?" I replied.

"Yes! I love the whole series!"


So she was a gamer girl. I was impressed.

I opened the DAW application, plugged in the condenser microphone to my guitar's amplifier. ASIO took no time to set up. I handed them the condenser. They had a very melodious voice. They were very talented in singing.

After a dozens of attempts, finally the song was ready... ready to be uploaded to YouTube. It was the cover of the song "The Heart Wants What It Wants" originally sung by Selena Gomez. Our video got a good number of likes and couple of subscribers.

They were fun people to be with. I got to know a lot about them. Everybody asked me the same question since I joined this school. Conchita asked the same question.

"Adrian why don't you interact with others much?"

There was a long pause. There was no glory in my life and no meaning. Yes, it was true that I rarely interacted with others. I replied:

"You don't know me. No one does. I'm nothing and no one does know anything about me in NY".

Did I just say that? Yes, I did.

The topic of conversation changed soon. I performed a guitar solo in front of them and they seemed to enjoy it. We were all done by 7. They went back to their homes and I was left there complaining myself "Why did I just say that?" You cannot trust anyone in this world. Did I forget this for a while? I don't know... and I was answer-less.

Anyways, they'd forget it like the rest. Who actually cares? No one.

[ Hola readers! I'm back after a long time. I had to face many problems since last 2-3 days. And I've decided to continue writing ^_^. To compensate, the next chapter will be a long one. Stay tuned :)

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