Chapter 6: Saffra

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Time flew, the year passed. I was promoted to 5th grade. I had gain popularity by now by participating in bboying battles. I was one of the important member of my crew, of my house. I was in 'Livingston' house, house's color was green, one of my favorites. As I got promoted to 5th, the first thing I wanted to do was to be in a band. I shew my talent to a group of 10th graders and they recruited me instantly. I subsequently took over the band and became the leader of it. I was the main bassist and guitarist of my band. We were given many opportunities to perform live in front of the whole school in assembly. So, I was overall main for my crew and my band.

I was living a good life, though I missed Mark, Kip and Lina. Living in a colony turned out to be good too. My friends there were like my family. We even a robot once. We used to do multiplayer console gaming and celebrate festivals like Halloween and Christmas. The colony was lively and had active people. 

Half of my year went normally, until I met Saffra. I remember once Mrs. Yeager changing our places. I got the last bench, and my bench partner was Saffra. We used to talk a lot. She made me laugh and we together had fun time sitting at the last bench, playing pranks on others. She behaved stupid at times though. Yea, she was just dumb as Penny in the Big Bang Theory at times. She was crazy but I loved being with her.

There was a week when I started liking her. I seriously don't know why. I got a sudden strange crush on her, but it wasn't serious. She liked me too I guessed. 

Blythe used to sit in the bench forward to ours. She was Saffra's best friend. She used to leave my bench and sit with her for short period of times and return back shortly. I don't know why. Maybe some secrets sharing?

Final examinations were near, almost a month and a half left. One day, Blythe turned back and exclaimed, "Adrian! Saffra wants to tell you something!"

"What is it?"

I noticed that Saffra was blushing hard! She was laughing! And trying to shut Blythe's mouth. That was uncommon. Saffra put her heads down and she left the place. She stood at the other row and watched me and Blythe. I was curious as anything to know what she wanted to share with me.

"What is it!?" I asked.

"Okay, Adrian, Saffra loves....." she said these words while making a continuous eye contact with Saffra. I saw Saffra giggling and shooking her head, making some hand movements.

"Saffra loves her father so much!"



I used sarcasm and said, "I didn't knew this! Thank you so much for telling me!"

The bell rang. In the next periods while teachers were teaching the class, Saffra proposed me to be her boyfriend. She said she liked me. I did have a weird crush on her, but that was temporary. Anyways I said 'Yes' to her. We both then were in a relationship. We were really happy together. Max supported us.

It lasted for a month. After a month, our relationship wasn't serious anymore. 

I started losing interest in her, so did she. 

We broke up a week before our final examinations. It was a mutual break up. None of both of us wanted to continue it. It was good for us. The main reason for the breakup was our separation that was going to happen in 6th grade because of class division. I wasn't hurt from the break and so was she. We just had a crush or can say liking towards each other for a week. It was useless. However we continued with our friendship and at last became strangers. Very few people knew about our relationship.

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