Chapter One: Déjà Vu

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Isabella's P.O.V

He left me. Edward left me in the middle of the freaking woods. He left me in woods when he knew Victoria and Laurent was out there. I knew I could kill them in a matter of seconds but I was truly and utterly alone. A sense of déjà vu passed me, causing my knees to grew weak. I helplessly fell to the ground.

All I could think about was my brothers. I know what you were thinking. Me ... Isabella Maria Swan doesn't have any brothers. That's because I was some plain old human. I wasn't weak.... Or fragile.

My name is Isabella Lillian Marie Salvatore. I was the middle child. Damon, my older brother was born on ‎June 18, 1841, I was born on April 12, 1845, and my younger brother Stefan on July 18, 1846. I choked out a sob as I cried over their death. I was only 19 when they were shot... By our own father. It all started by this one girl. Katerina Petrova.

Of course I later learned she was a vampire that ended up convincing both my brothers that they loved her. I was nursing Damon then, he had came from war injured, when she showed up. Let's say the next day, Damon was completely healed. I thought it was crazy, but let it go.

I knew she was sleeping with both my brothers and it angered me. Ever since our mom died when I was 6 I had always been the only girl and often enough I was like a mother figure for Stefan and Damon. Then Katerina came and it made me jealous and a little sad because they were spending all their time with her.

They ignored me, most of the time and I only grew sadder because the once loving, caring, protective brothers I once knew were gone. Replaced with cold, hatred brothers replaced them. I used to cry myself to sleep most nights until one day. One day that I'll never forget. It was the day I almost killed myself.

I was sitting over in our garden. It used to be Damon's, Stefan's, and my favorite spot. I knew they were spending time with Katerina today and hadn't bothered them.

I opened up my sketch book and looked at the picture of my mother. My mother was one of the most beautiful ladies in Mystic Falls before she died. I was considered an spitting image of mother. Except she had green eyes I had bright blue eyes.

Damon and I looked a lot like each other and mother as Stefan looked like Father. Smiling softly at the picture I flipped to a new page and began sketching the garden.

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