"But..." Harry looked untrustingly at Dr. Shell. "Our Fionna..."

"He's not going to take our baby, love," I brushed Harry's hair away from his face. "And if he does... he won't want me to get ahold of him, because I'll beat him senseless."

"Standing right here..." Dr. Shell murmured in offense.

I offered the man a grin, and he turned his attention back to the baby, "Talk to Fionna, Daddies. Calm her down."

"Lovely baby," Harry cooed. "Dada loves you so much..."

I let Harry do the talking, staring at him in adoration and wondering how something so perfect could be mine, and then looked to Fionna, who had calmed enough and had opened her adorable eyes to gaze up at Harry, feeling absolutely certain that she was the most beautiful little baby in the world.

Fionna whimpered and became frustrated once again as Dr. Shell inserted the feeding tube, and Harry's expression became sad. I kissed his cheek and leaned to speak softly to our baby, "I know you don't like that Fionna Bean, Daddy is so sorry... but you need it, little baby! So you can grow and be healthy. We get to cuddle you all we want when you're a little bit bigger! We love you, Baby Bean!"

Dr. Shell yawned before he chuckled, "She certainly seems interested in what you have to say. For now, at least. She'll probably go back to sleep the second she has food in her tummy."

However, she didn't go back to sleep. The moment the feeding tube was out and she was burped, she was back to kicking her little things and whimpering. I checked her diaper, we talked to her, but she kept crying and kicking her feet in the incubator. Harry was clearly getting frantic, and I could understand why. I wanted nothing more than for her to be happy, and having her upset and not knowing what to do made me feel horrible. Harry had stood next to the closed incubator, talking to her sadly, "So sorry, my baby! You are not happy and I want to help but I do not know why you are sad!"

"Perhaps she just wants to be held," Dr. Shell suggested sleepily. "Maybe she's one of those babies. All babies are different."

"If she is like me she is wanting to cuddle," Harry frowned. "Needs to stay warm though..."

"We'll wrap her in several blankets," Dr. Shell murmured, hurrying over to the cabinet to retrieve three baby blankets, and then he returned. "Wrap her in these."

I offered the blankets to Harry, "Would you like to do it, Kitten? Or is your tummy hurting you?"

Harry looked to her, "Want to hold her... but tummy is hurting... and I need to pee.. Dr. Shell will walk me... you will get our baby? Then I will come back and sit with you two."

So while Dr. Shell helped Harry walk to the bathroom and waited outside the door for him, I bundled up Fionna as warmly as possible and lifted her carefully into my arms, "C'mere baby girl... sit with Daddy on the bed."

She kicked her feet as I sat down, and I unwrapped the bottom of the blanket slightly to look at her toes. She had the tiniest little toes. Not wanting her baby toes to get cold, I tucked them back into the blankets and kissed her little nose, causing her to make what sounded like a surprised squeak. I giggled and brought her up closer to me, snuggling her up by my neck to keep her as warm as possible. She quieted her whimpers, but made tiny little snuffling sounds. Harry came back, walking carefully so he wouldn't hurt his stitches, and he settled next to me on the bed. He leaned his head against me, kissed my cheek, and then stroked the bundle of blankets, "So tiny..."

"She is," I agreed. "And so perfect."

"Because you are her daddy," Harry informed me. "Perfect because she will be just like you."

Uniquely Three - Larry Stylinson AU Kitten!Harry (MPREG) {Book3}Where stories live. Discover now