"Okay, I'll send a police officer to assist you, please wait for them before you do anything, we've located your address by your GPS cell phone coordinates." The lady answered

I paced back and forth waiting anxiously, several times I had heard banging on windows, or the side of the house ripping out paneling, but to my relief, a police car had pulled into the driveway, and came up to the front door.

"Hello, we received a call about a suspicious person, mind if I look around?" the officer asked

"Yes! I saw the person out back behind the house" I replied

The officer went behind the house and had a peek. He went in the sheds and came back.

"I did not see anyone, but I saw the cow that looked like it was killed by someone, it looks like there was someone there, but they are probably long gone, I would advise you to be cautious on your surroundings and give us a call next time you see whoever this is, it is likely they won't return, so if you see the person again, I'll come back and stay in the house, just when you call, be sure to ask for Officer Kenton." Officer Kenton suggested

"Okay, thanks for coming over." I said

I went back inside the house and locked all of the doors.

I got a feeling to go to the basement as if someone was whispering in my mind, so I went to the basement and I saw a small silent generator, I was so happy to find it, it was small and portable, so I brought it up and brought power back to the house, so now I had power again, I sat on the couch and started watching TV.

I turned on my phone to see a text from Allie.

Allie: So did you call the police? What did they say??? ._.
Lauren: A police officer named Kenton came over to look around, he saw the murdered cow and believes me, he left and said that if I hear or see this person, to give them a call and he'll come over and stay
Allie: That's good, and don't worry, everything will be alright :)
Lauren: And the person earlier destroyed the power grid, and so I lost power, I forgot to mention it to the police officer, but I went in the basement and found a silent generator, and now the house has power again! c:
Allie: Awesome! Well I gotta go, I need to go on Onegla, it's a video chatting site where you get to talk to people you don't know c;
Lauren: Oh I've heard of that... on the news... don't be too naughty!! -.-
Allie: ttyl ;)

While Allie was probably having fun on Onegla, I was "having fun" at home waiting for this serial killer's next move. "Oh I'm just being paranoid; I have nothing to worry about, everything will be normal when I wake up tomorrow." I kept thinking to myself.

I got my blanket and pillow from my room and decided to just sleep on the couch, but it wasn't quite time for bed yet since it's only 7:40, so I would pass some time watching Television, but there was something wrong with the remote so it was stuck on GovernmenTV, which all that was playing on there was "Politically correct nursery rhymes."

I might as well watch that.

"Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall that shouldn't be there since everyone has a right to get through, Humpty Dumpty had a great fall, all the ruler's horses and all the ruler's people, couldn't put Humpty together again, so they recycled him to help make the world a greener place."

Yeah, I had fun watching the television programmes.

Only 20 minutes had passed, Allie was too busy "conversing" with strangers on Onegla, which hopefully doesn't lead to Clik, which is another app that I'd rather not be on, my Parents and Uncle were away on a business trip and I didn't have their phone number, I shouldn't call the police since nothing was going on, all of my half-interesting magazines were at home, maybe I should just go on Onegla to just kind of check it out?

So I did.

But sadly my camera was not working with it so I had to go to the text version. -_-

Stranger: ASL?
Lauren: Erm what does that mean? Ants Sell Love? Aaron Says Laboratory?
*Stranger has disconnected*

"Hmm, maybe I shouldn't try to have a pathetic sense of humour?

Stranger: hi
Lauren: Hello
Stranger: asl
Lauren: What does that mean?
Stranger: age sex location
Lauren: 15 f Sistris
Stranger: 23 m Osli
Stranger: u got klype?
Lauren: erm no
Stranger: clik?
Lauren: Umm why?
Stranger: Fun ;)
*Lauren has disconnected*

I guess I can find other ways to talk to people then idiots on Onegla -.-

I sat dying on the couch, it was only 8:05 now, I was dying of boredom, I simply cannot survive another 15 minutes of GovernmenTV, or Onegla, and then things got exciting when I heard a noise outside.

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