Chapter 1

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The humidity was awful as Lauren Thunderly was heading home from school, the sun was shining, but it was unusually hot in that part of the country she was in, which was the country of OssyEgo.

I went running up the porch steps to enter the house, and headed straight for my room, as I went in; I noticed a note on the floor left by my mom...

Dear Lauren,

We have gone on another business trip to Ossington, and we will not be back until august, your uncle is also going away on summer vacation, we have arranged for you to go over to take care of his livestock in Sistris while he is away, please behave yourself and do not stay up too late, remember to turn off all the lights and lock the doors while you're away, please drive responsibly, we hope to get your learner's permit when we get back, your uncle should be waiting there for you.


Mum and Dad

"Oh great, there goes my summer fun!" I thought as I crumpled the note in my pocket.

I rushed down the stairs packing everything I could, and then I rushed in the garage to the brand new electric car that was very clean and environment-friendly. After I got in, I began to put thought into driving all the way to Sistris, while being undetected by the police, it was about 600 miles and would take at least 12 hours, she decided to take the risk and head on anyway.

It was getting close to sunset, so I would have to drive my way to Sistris overnight, though quite unmemorable, I was fond of traveling and seeing sights, the car was long and was topless, the pull-out cover was unreliable and had a risk of blowing off the car, and it had long rips through out the back, but none at the top, so it was somewhat waterproof, it was red and had fire decals.


I started the engine and exited Thorndale onto the wide, dark, empty highway.

It got dark very quickly, I glanced at my watch noticing it was already 5:00 PM after getting on the highway leaving Thorndale; I guess I'll get there around 5:00 AM early in the morning.

The highway was strangely empty, occasionally I'd see a passing police car, but not any regular cars, and this of course got me quite nervous.

After driving for a while, I got pulled over by a police officer, he approached my car.

"Hello, Ma'am, I came to notify you that we are searching for a killer who escaped from a Osli prison an hour ago, I've come to guard this area to keep him from leaving from a 300 mile radius, where are you heading?" The police officer asked

"I'm going to Osli to visit my baby son in the hospital, I had to go to Thorndale to get the house ready for the baby, me and my husband are quite excited to finally have a new family!" I lied

"I suppose you wouldn't need to be escorted I guess, drive cautiously, ma'am!" The Officer replied

"Thank you, I've named my son Phil, isn't that a lovely name?" I continued lying, wanting to have a little fun

The Officer gave a confused look and replied "I guess." And walked back to his car, and I continued driving to my destination in Sistris.


As I was getting closer to the metropolitan city of Osli, I looked at the amazing skyscrapers with the lights gleaming out into the desolate desert; it was like a mirage only a gambler would have.

I drove into the city and it was getting quite dark, the bright shining lights were spectacular but the traffic was absolutely horrid, so I decided to stop at a casino hotel on the corner.

I walked into the casino and saw loads of slot machines, poker tables and a stage with showgirls and a band playing, but I didn't even want to go into that part of the casino hotel.

I went up to the desk asking for a room.

"We have one room left, to stay one night is going to cost you about $59.00" the receptionist said

"I'll take it!" I replied

I went up to the room I stayed at, thinking "thank goodness I brought mother's checkbook!"

The night passed, I found it hard to sleep with all the activity going on below me, but otherwise I had a pretty good night in a new place.

I left the place eagerly since it was quite dirty, both mentally and physically, and returned to my car.

I was sad to leave that metropolis since the city looked so amazing, but it was morning and it didn't look as amazing as last night, but I continued up the highway on my journey.

Driving by the bright dessert, with cactus scattered throughout, it started to get dark, and the wind picked up. I looked in the distance to see dark clouds in the direction I was heading, I also saw in the distance; hail. I turned my car radio on to hear this:

"The National OssyEgan Weather Service Doplar Radar has found a severe thunderstorm warning for Osli, and Sistris, this severe chain of thunderstorms can produce up to 90mph winds, flash floods, and quarter size hail, the area around outside Osli is on Tornado watch; If you see a tornado, get to the closest shelter you can find and take cover. Stay away from doors and windows until the storms are passed."

I continued on my way since I did not want to be late, although there was a risk of getting caught in a tornado, I wanted to go on a fun adventure, which seems foolish, but currently I don't really care, I just want to have fun right now.

After driving closer and it getting darker, it started to hail the quartersizers, I didn't see any forming tornadoes, so I kept continuing through.

After driving for about 5 minutes, I looked far out to my left and saw a tornado forming high up in the clouds, I had suddenly got a sick feeling in my stomach; regretting that I had continued, I slammed the gas to try to speed out of there, but it hadn't even been 1 minute before the tornado made a touchdown and started moving toward me at a fast speed.


The next thing that happened, golf-ball sized hail started raining down, surprisingly not making any cracks in my windshield. "Wow, these electric cars have strong windshields!" I screamed to myself randomly while speeding, being goofy in a very serious moment, doesn't everyone talk to themselves when they're alone?

I looked in the rearview mirror to see the tornado about 50 feet behind me, and then suddenly the back door flew open, it must've not closed tight when I was in Osli? And then mud started to fly in and hit the back of my head, making me fall unconscious.

I woke up in a sleeping bag in front of a warm fire, it was night and the stars were shining brightly, I saw a man look down at me, I assumed this is the person who rescued me.

"Are you okay? You took a beating from that tornado." He asked

"I don't really know... Who are you?" I asked

"I'm nobody important. As soon as the tornado got to a safe distance, I ran to get you." He replied

"Thank you for saving me." I said

Suddenly I fell unconscious, I remember having a really bad headache.

I woke up again in the morning in the same sleeping bag and a burned out fire, I was feeling perfectly fine, but nobody was around, I saw my car that seemed to look just fine, other then a few new scratches and mud spots inside and out, but I didn't care as long as I could continue my journey without having any car troubles, and I continued on my way.

I finally reached Sistris, seeing many police cars go by, I guess this guy was still at large.


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