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Two years later...

I stopped treatment, again. Not because I wanted to, because I had to. I am to weak to continue on the treatment for any longer. The doctor says I have less then a few months left. I know I have way less time then that, I won't tell anyone how weak I actually feel.

I feel as though I won't even make it through the day, I might not, I have gone back to live with my parents as I am to weak to take care of myself. Dave refuses to leave, I have asked him over, and over again. I do et want to hurt him. And I know I will when I die, I love him, I always have and always will.

I remember the first time we made love, one beautiful night that seems a life time ago. In reality, it was about a year ago, but that night seems so out of reach now, and yet I can remember every single detail. His hands as they trailed down my body, his lips on mine, his deep husky voice as he whispered I love you into the night.

Right now we were outside, Dave and I. On the ground, in my backyard. The sky is dark and the stars bright.



"I love you. I want you to know that."

"I-I love you too." He reaches over and grabs my hand.

"I can't do this anymore, I feel to weak." My eyes water as I feel the pain engulfing me. I curl up beside him and feel him pull me closer, I feel a wet drop fall on me as I hear him sniffling.

"Robyn, I love you. And if that's how you feel, then okey. But please give me one last night, one last night together. Just you and me, us. Then you can fall asleep in my arms, I won't leave you alone. I will be with you."

"I love you so much, Dave. I don't want to leave you, I don't want to." I sobbed quietly into his shirt. He stroked my hair and cooed as he willed me to clam down.

"Come with me darling." He picked me up bridal style and carried me to my room.

As he walked up the steps my head pounded harder and harder, my eyes got heavier and heavier.

"Stay with me baby, just one more night. Please." He whispered in my ear as he laid me down.

"I'm sorry." I whispered as I felt my eyes heavier.

My body became hot as I felt his lips on mine, as if in instinct I kissed him back. I felt as his hands traveled my body, he treated me like I was glass, breaking, and already shattered. Something that could kill him if done wrong. I opened my eyes and put my arms around him neck, I pressed our lips closer together with the last of my strength.

I smiled and with my last breath I whispered "I love you, don't ever forget me. I know I won't forget you. Wherever it is I'm going." I kissed his cheek and felt the darkness pull me in.

In the distance I heard my name being yelled over, and over again. I remembered the feeling of his lips as he would lean down and kiss my forehead as I left.

The sound of his voice, the feel of his arms, the warmth of his skin, his smell. Him. Him. Him. I will never forget him, he stayed knowing I would leave, he never strayed, never wandered to far.

I lost today, to my disease, to my weakness, to cancer.

I lost a love today, and he love me.

A story gone wrong, a story ended short.

A life well lived, and a party ending early.

I don't regret anything I've ever done.

I regret what I never did.

And if you are wondering, Did you truly live a happy life?

I may have not had the best, but I did not have the worst life experience. I am happy with how I lived, and I wouldn't have it any other way.

I love you.

Given A ChanceDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora