Day Two In Court

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Fredrick's POV

I fix my tie and look at Michael. I ask,

"Do you want to go to prison? "

He looks at me and laughs. He says, "Of course not. "

I ask, "Then why won't you let me win this case? "

He looks at me confused and says, "What do you mean? "

"You're sudden outbursts aren't helping. You yelling at your victim isn't helping! "

He says, "She isn't my victim! She's my lover..."

I grab his face and look in his eyes.

"Have you taken your medicine? "

He pushes my hands away and says,

"Yes. Now, can we get this over with? "

I say, "It won't be so easy now. Pam as submitted more evidence. A bunch of letters sent to Penny by that Jason guy. Michael, why did you steal her mail? "

He laughs and says, "That's a crime? "

I say, "Yes! Not as big as the one you're accused of, but yes it's a crime. What else haven't you told me? "

He says, "There's no more secrets. "

"Yeah? "

He nods. I ask,

"Then why did Pam also submit a bunch of brochures with different locations circled in them as evidence? "

His eyes widen. He seem to be panicking, but then he went calm. He mumbles,

"They won't find the bodies. "

I say, "Oh my gosh! Michael are you telling me there's more? How can I help you if you won't tell me what you've done? "

He looks at me and says, "If I tell you.... I'll have to kill you. "

I say, "I can no longer guarantee your freedom. "

He shrugs his shoulders and fixes his jacket.


Pam's POV

It's getting close to 8am. Penny is on her way. Tommy and Randy have been in Memphis all night. Tommy called a few times and said they've had no luck.

I went through some missing persons files from Memphis. There's only one that caught my attention. The missing person is a 16 year old girl. Sandra Conners. Well, she was 16. It's been 5 years.

My heart starts to race as I remember what the file had in it. Her parents were so desperate they started listing things she loved. They listed she loved camping.

I take my phone out and text to Tommy,

Check the campground!

Please, please be there. I know it's a sick thing to plead for, but it'll help in the case and it'll give the parents peace. I check my watch 5 minutes till 8. My office door opens. It's Penny. She smiles and says,

"Hey Pam. "

"Hello, Penny. Please, come in. "

She comes in and closes the door.
"Jason is wondering if he's going to be on the stand today. "

I smile and say, "If I get some good news that's equally bad, no one will have to take the stand. "

Penny asks, "You found something in his house didn't you? "

Delusional LoveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora