Putting my foot down!

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Penny's POV

I can't believe I did that! Like, what the hell!!! I'm such a bad person! That was such a dick move!

Just think about it. He's having all these feelings and I had sex with him because I was horny and vulnerable at the moment! He's probably seeing fireworks and sparks. I'm the worst person alive.

It's Monday and I'm sitting in my desk. I have my head down. I'm like praying he won't be here today. I can't skip because everyone in this damn town will find out I wasn't in class. Geez. The door opens. I peek through my sleeves and freeze. He's here.

He sits down and looks over at me. He then looks back at everyone else. I slowly raise my head, but I have my nose and down covered with my sleeve. It makes me feel like he can't see me. I know it's ridiculous, but it calms me!

He says, "Ok, class. We'll be taking a test on chapter one. But first, I need everyone's homework. "

Crap! I forgot to do that last night. I don't even know where my book is....aw crap! It's at his house! He walks over to me and says,

"Where's your homework, Penny? "

He knows I don't have it! What the hell is he doing? I say,

"I uh, left it at home. "

He nods and says, "That's an automatic zero and you have to come to detention after school today. "

I quickly say, "What? That's not fair! "

He says, "It's not fair that you are wasting everyone's test time by talking back. "

He's being a total jerk! What the hell is his problem? Is he a damn psycho? I huff and cross my arms. Someone says,

"Get over it Penny! I want my test time! "

I was so in the mood to go off on whoever said that, but I didn't want to be in anymore trouble. Then I realized, maybe he's mad that I don't feel anything for him. Like he figured it out or something. Well, shit....I deserve this. Damn it!


I walk into his class after school. There are two other girls in there. I had a feeling he was doing this just to be alone with me. I'm happy there are other people in here. I sit down near one of them and ask,

"Y'all didn't do the homework either? "

A blonde head laughs and says,

"I'm in here because I was in a fight. Mr. Howard sent me here. "

Yeah, I heard about that. The red head says,

"I'm here because I got caught giving head to another student. Ms. Bowfin sent me here. "

I ask, "So, Mr. Jackson is in charge of the detention students? "

They nod. The blonde head says,

"Did he send you to detention? "

I nod. "Because I didn't do his stupid ass homework. "

The door swings open and Michael says,

"That's 15 extra minutes, Penny. "

I instantly get mad. I yell,

"What? I didn't do anything! "

He sits down and says, "Five extra minutes. "

"What the fuck man! "

The other girls try and hold in their laughter. He stares at me and says,

"That's another 15 minutes young lady! "

I stand up and say, "No! Fuck you! I'm done with this shit! You can go fuck yourself! "

I grab my book bag and storm out of the classroom, slamming the door as hard as I can before I left. I make it outside. Geezus! He's such an asshole! I know what I did was low as hell, but he can't mess with me at school!

"Penny! "

I turn around and see Michael. He's walking toward me fast. I say,

"I don't want to talk to you! "

I turn and begin to walk away. He grabs my arm and turns me around. He says so innocently,

"What's wrong, baby? "

Baby? Oh God no....

I say, "Don't call me that and you know what's wrong. You're basically bullying me in school. "

He let's me go and says, "I'm trying to make our relationship look like a regular teacher-student relationship. "

"Our relationship? "

He nods and whispers, "I still have the scratches on my back. "

I blush from embarrassment and look down. No.

I look at him and say, "I'm sorry to have to say this, but, Mr. Jackson, what happened yesterday was a mistake. A big mistake. I blame myself for leading you on. I was very vulnerable and your touch... Well...it helped me I guess. There is no relationship. There never will be. I'm sorry. "

I see hurt in his eyes. I feel my heart breaking. Then, out of nowhere, he smiles and his eyes seem happy. He says,

"I'm sorry for misunderstanding your true meanings. I understand now. You may go home. I'll see you tomorrow, Penny. "

He turns around and walks back toward the school. I watch him until he goes inside. That was weird. That was really weird. That was too easy. I turn and start walking home. I shrug my shoulders and smile.

"Might as well enjoy this, while it lasts. "

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