Gathering More Evidence

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Pam's POV

I got a court order to search Michael's home. He's staying at a motel since his house is a crime scene.

I have until 8am sharp to get more evidence. I know Dawson will try and convince the jury that Penny had broken into Michael's home and that's why he was angry in the video.

He'll go for the insane tactic. Make Michael seem like the victim. I won't let that happened. I have to prove that he chose not to take his pills. I know he's been accused of a similar crime twice.

I know he killed those girls. I just can't seem to find any evidence. I called Tommy. An officer who's also my friend. I need him to make the search, but I also want to be there.

As I wait outside of Michael's house, I begin to wonder where the other two girls' bodies are. Where would he keep them? Somewhere close I'm sure. He probably visits them.

Tommy's police car pulls up. His partner and he get out of the car. Tommy says,

"Hey, Pam. You remember my partner Randy? "

I shake hands with Randy and say,

"I do. Thank you guys for helping me. "

Tommy nods and says, "He's done this twice already. It's time he gets what's coming to him. "

I say, "I'm hoping the cops missed something when they searched the place the first time. "

Randy says, "If they did, we'll find it. "

I nod. We walk up to the house. I unlock the door with the key the judge gave me. I open the door. Before I go inside, I turn and look at Penny's house. She's watching through her window, but when she sees me looking at her, she closes her curtains.

I turn back and go inside. I turn the lights on. Tommy and Randy come inside. Randy closes the door. I say,

"Keep your eyes open boys. He can be hiding all the evidence in the most obvious place. "

Tommy says, "Gotcha boss. "

I smile. They begin to search. I look around. He has a normal house. He's into stylish furniture. I go into the kitchen. There's a brochure for Tennessee on his fridge. I take it off and open it.

Memphis is circled multiple times. What's in Memphis Tennessee? Could the bodies be there?

"Pam! You need to see this. "

I go into the living room. Tommy and Randy have a old antique chest open and they removed the bottom. There's hundreds of brochures of different places.

I open one that said Alabama. Montgomery is circled multiple times. I open another one. It says Mississippi. Jackson is circled. I flip through it more. Oxford is circled!

I say, "Tennessee is closer. We'll go to Memphis. It's only an hour. "

Tommy says, "What do you think is hidden at these places? "

I sigh and say, "Most likely, more victims we don't know about. "

I look back at the Tennessee one. As I read about Memphis, I see a word Michael underlined violently. Meeman-Shelby Forest State Park.

I say, "I've narrowed it down to a specific location. "

I show them the underlining. Tommy says,

"Will the judge give us time to see what's there? "

I say, "I doubt it. We need to go now. Take the chest. "

I turn and begin to walk leave the house, but I trip over the carpet. I hit the ground hard. Randy asks quickly,

"Are you OK? "

I turn to see how the rug trip me, when I saw something sticking out from underneath. I quickly go over to it and move the rug back. Letters! I say,

"Move the rug! "

Tommy and Randy help me move the rug back. There's like a hundred letters here. Michael must've spread them out to make it seem like nothing was there. He put too many on this side.

I pick one up. It's from Jason! Address to Penny! He's been stealing the letters!

I say, "He's so going to jail. "

Tommy and Randy began to pick up the letters and put them in baggies. Tommy says,

"Pam, you should stay here. Randy and I will go to Memphis. It's only an hour away. "

I say, "I agree. You guys just hurry and, I hate to say this, but please find a body. "

They nod. I say, "I have some paper work to fill out. "

As they put what they gather into the car, I notice Penny watching us. I close and lock Michael's door. What could be in Memphis Tennessee?

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