First Day of Court

374 18 14

Penny's POV

I sit nervously and wait for the judge to enter the court room. I glance every now and then at Michael and find him staring at me. I'm starting to doubt myself. I don't know if I can handle this. Pam places her hand on my shoulder and whispers,

"You'll be fine. "

I nod. Pam already has a game plan. I remember the conversation we had about it.

Pam sat across from me at my dinner table. She had notes out and a copy of the video I had recorded. Jason was with me since he was basically there also.

Pam grabbed her own and wrote something down. Then she said,

"Penny, I will ask you multiple questions about your relationship with Michael, then I'll move on to the video. So, first, tell me, just so I'll know, what happened exactly from the beginning. "

I took a deep breath and explained everything. From the first day of school, to the apple he offered, to my emotion breakdown, to the tour he gave me, to the kiss we had, to the sex we had, to my apology to him for the sex, to the dinner incident, to the night visit, then to the day I was in his house searching for evidence.

She nodded and wrote down most of my words. She then asked,

"And Jason, tell me everything you know. I want to make sure both stories are the same. "

He said, "I came into the picture after the dinner incident. I saw and recorded the incident that happened that night. "

Then he explained what happened that day I went into Michael's house. Pam nodded and wrote down what he said. Then she said,

"Penny, Jason, after I question you two, the defense will question you both. I need you to stay calm and don't get agitated. The defense will try and misinterpret your words. Just answer calmly and that won't be able to happen. We can do this Penny. "

"All rise. "

Pam stands up. I stand up with her. The bailiff continues,

"The Court of the Second Judicial Circuit, Criminal Division, is now in session, the Honorable Judge Harrison presiding. "

"Everyone but the jury may be seated. Kevin, please swear in the jury. "

I sit down and bite my nails. Kevin, the bailiff, finishes swearing in everyone.

"Members of the jury, your duty today will be to determine whether the defendant is guilty or not guilty based only on facts and evidence provided in this case. The prosecution has the
burden of proving the guilt of the defendant beyond a reasonable doubt. This burden
remains on the prosecution through the trial. The prosecution must prove that a crime was committed and that the defendant is the person who committed the crime. However, if you are not satisfied of the defendant's guilt to that extent, then reasonable doubt exists and the defendant must be found not guilty. "

I zone out the judge's voice. I peek over at Michael. His eyes lock onto mine. My heart starts to beat fast as an evil smiles spreads across his lips. I accidentally knock over the pitcher of water.

Everyone's eyes are on me. Judge Harrison asks,

"Miss Stinson, are you OK? "

Pam has her hand on my shoulder. I look at her, then at Judge Harrison. I say,

"I'm... I'm fine. "

She nods and continues talking. Pam whispers,

"Are you OK? "

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