Chapter 24: Gotchu

Start from the beginning

My Lil Lolo💕 (2:19 PM): Alright, I just wanted to check up on you. Now that I know you're alive, carry on with your life, Pumpkin

I can't do that if you leave me, so you might as well stay and talk ☺️

My Lil Lolo💕 (2:22 PM): Has exhaustion suddenly made you a little sweet talker?

Babe, I've always been smooth af. How do you think I got you? It sure as hell wasn't just with my decent looks and two left feet

My Lil Lolo💕 (2:26 PM): First of all, I guess I'm not doing a good enough job at letting you know just how gorgeous you really are, in all ways, since you just referred to yourself as 'decent'. You are far from decent, you understand me? And you are more than just beautiful. You are extraordinary, marvelous, and magical.

My Lil Lolo💕 (2:28 PM): Second of all, by the way I fell for you, anyone would think I was the one with two left feet, baby.

Well, shit. Will you look at that... I'm blushing. I'm supposed to be the one making her blush, this is all wrong!

My inability to think of a way to turn this back around on her frustrates me a bit, but I accept it.

As I think of the best way to reply back to everything she just said, one particular phrase comes to mind. I don't want to be the kind of person that goes all overboard at the first declaration of love, but this seemed like the best time to remind her:

I love you, you know that?

Wow, it crazy to see that typed out and sent. I have to admit, in the past I've written those three words without any intention of actually sending them to her. It just wasn't the right time back then.  But now that it's out in the open, I can say it whenever I want. And I will definitely be taking advantage of that little perk.

My Lil Lolo💕 (2:32 PM): I love you more, schnuckums 😘

Nope. We are not playing this game because I will stay up all night and day fighting you on that one, so spare yourself

I love you more. That's that. Caso Cerrado!

I opted to change the subject because this was a serious matter that I had no energy to argue about.

Anyway! I'm gonna take a nap now so I will text you when I wake up, my love

My Lil Lolo💕 (2:38 PM): Oh, so now I'm free to go? How lovely. Get a lot of rest tho. You're definitely gonna get sick and I want you to fight it early on so it doesn't get too bad

Why does everyone keep saying that! I'm not going to get sick. My body is strong. My system is top notch. I laugh in the face of sickness. Hahaha!

My Lil Lolo💕 (2:43 PM): ... all righty then, babe lol. Get some sleep. Ttyl Love ya.

Shaking my head slight at her lack of faith in my body's ability to kick sickness in the ass, I tuck my phone underneath my pillow and allow my body to finally become one with my bed. Just as I'm about to succumb to the sleep that has been calling my name since I got home, my eyes shoot open again and I release another groan of irritation into my pillow.

Goddamit, I have to pee!


{Phoenix's POV}

7:45 AM. Camila is sick. Jesus help me.

"Pheeee!" I hear a strained voice yell out to me as I sat on the bottom of the staircase and wondered why I didn't appreciate life before Camila got sick. This girl is the most dramatic sick person I've ever met. Really, even the simplest of colds is too much for her to handle.

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