Chapter 24: Gotchu

Start from the beginning

Now this is the kind of sandwich I don't mind being in the middle of... and I mean that in the purest of ways.

"I'm so sorry, you guys" I mumble unintelligibly into the taller boy's shirt. "I was being a bum."

"Yes. Yes, you were." Dee confirms, though I could feel her smile against my clothed back. "But it's ok. We understand. Just promise that next time, you will take your phone and an umbrella with you on your little escapades, please and thank you."

"I promise" I chuckle lightly.

"Good girl." Phoenix says as we break away from our group hug. "We'll leave you to chill. We're gonna head to the bakery down the block for some flan. We'll bring you something."

The two of them simultaneously planted messy kisses on both my cheeks, making me giggle.

"OH!" Dinah yells out before she reaches the door. "When you get sick, Phoenix is the one that's gonna be taking care of you this time." The Polynesian girl says with a satisfied grin.

"UUGGGHH! I forgot about that!" Phoenix groans, throwing his back as he drags his feet along the carpeted floor, and out my room. "C'mon, Dinah. Best three out of five!"

"No Sir. Paper beats rock, sucka! Deal widdit!" I heard Dinah respond before both their voices faded out once they got downstairs.

I cannot believe this! What loving friends I have. I'm not that bad when I'm sick... besides, I'm not going to get sick! It was just a little rain.

Just as I decided to lay down, the buzzing of my phone that sat isolated and lonely on my dresser instantly caught my attention. Rolling my way to the end of the bed, I groaned at the distance from here to the dresser. I unwillingly lifted my body up and got on my knees. Extending my limbs as best I could, I kept my legs on my bed, an arm placed on the ground to support my hovering body, and the other blindly fumbling around for the device. The lengths we go just to stay bed, man.

Once retrieved, I put both my hands safely on the ground and scoot my way back to the comfort of my bed for the final time.

I have everything I need now and I refuse to leave this bed, I told myself as I snuggled up to my pillow. The sound of another buzz let me know someone loves me and actually wants my attention. I will not deny them any longer.

My Lil Lolo💕 (2:07 PM): Hey baby, just wanted to see if you got in safely. You should be resting peacefully on your bed at this moment if my calculations are correct.

My Lil Lolo💕(2:10 PM): Please either confirm or deny this accurate guess.

It never seizes to amaze me at how cute I find everything she says and does, even when she doesn't mean to be. Before I could reply, I get another message.

My Lil Lolo💕 (2:12 PM): ooorrrr say anything and let me know you're there, babe.

I feel like annoying her a bit so...

Banana 😏

As expected, I didn't have to wait long for a response.

My Lil Lolo💕 (2:14 PM): Alright. Cool beans. I get what I ask for apparently -_-

I let out a little laugh knowing that she's definitely making that face right now. I can fix that.

You can get whatever it is that you want from me, beautiful. You have me any way you want

My Lil Lolo💕 (2:17 PM): Hmmm, that's interesting. I'll keep that in mind, Cabello 😜

You do that, Jauregui 😇

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