"Okay okay. How's that make you feel Charlie?" "Fuck y'all! I'll start my own band and then y'all can't eat all this!" "Please like other people would put up with you as well as we do."

"Okay what's one question you guys hate being asked?" Bryan pushed the mic to me. "Uhh I hate getting asked questions about my ex's." "What about your ex's?" "I don't know I always get asked how are they or do I miss them." "How are your ex's and do you miss them?" He asked. "I don't know how they are. I'm guessing good and no I don't. I got this guy." I said looking at Justin. "Aww you too are too cute. Okay Justin since you butted in. How does it make you feel that Brit gets asked non stop about her ex's?" "Uhh. I really don't care. She's mine now and that's all that matters. They're the past and I'm her future. So.." Bryan nodded.

"Okay, name one word that describes the person next to you." He pointed the mic to Char, who's sitting by Kenny. "Uhh strict" Kenny looked at him. "Really?" Bryan pointed the mic to Kenny to describe Charlie. "Dick." The mic went to me. To describe Matt. "Average.." "What?! I'm very unique!" The mic now on Matt to describe me. "Guyish.. I swear sometimes I think she can grow a penis!" We laughed. "For the record! There's no penis down there. Trust me!" Justin said stealing the mic.

"Okay. If you were a porn star what would your name be?" The mic was at me. "Uhhh.. Char go." "Master dickish." "Haha okay.. Kenny?" "Gentle rattle snake." "Brit?" "Uhh. Dirty Rapunzel. Cause the long hair ya know." "Nice nice. Matt?" "Caption Cummings." We laughed.

"Okay... Since Brit you and Justin are a couple. Have any of you guys walked in on them ya know... Doing something?"
"I got this. No they haven't the worst has been making out. Cause with the lack of privacy it's... Hard to do that. Stuff. Cause they're all ways popping in my bunk. And that too. Those bunks. Are TINY! it's almost impossible."
"You said popping their heads in. What do you mean by that?" "They're noisy! Or even when I'm in there my self. Or before me and Justin became a thing. I'd be in my bunk ya know.. Personal time. And they'd open the curtain. Or when I'm just laying down I look over and I see a big white moon in my face.." They laughed. "Oh one time I was writing. I got random inspiration so I was writing in my bunk and Charlie popped his white ass in and first thing I thought was. Stab that motherfucker. Soo.. I stabbed him." They laughed more. "You'd think they learned. But no. So I kept screw drivers. And one time. I stabbed Matt a but too hard.." " ya I was bleeding for a good couple hours! It hurt to sit for a week after." "Learned your lesson?" "Oh no! I'll do it again."

"Who is the most mature and immature in the band??" "Uhh immature hands down Charlie... Most mature Kenny."

"What's the craziest thing a fan has ever done to get your guys attention?" "uhh I don't think any things been crazy like that." Kenny said. "Yea uhh the craziest for me would be this guy one time at a WWE event backstage. Would follow me and when ever I'd be looking in his direction he'd cough or fake sneeze.... And finally I was just like hey nice to meet you. You know acknowledging him so he'd stop."  "Did he??" "No.. He kept doing it. It started creeping me out really when I went to the bathroom and come out to him sitting in front of the door so I couldn't get out." "Does that make you think about your safety?" "Yes. Just be normal with me and I'll talk and hang with you as long as I can!"

"If your parents were on the road with you right now, what do you think they'd say about this life style?" "Unhealthy probably..." Matt said. "yea uhh my mom probably ground me in my bunk for some dumb shit id do." Charlie said. "My parents would be shocked that this is it! And be confused on why I want to do this so much."

"Who has the hottest mom in the band?" "Kenny! I mean... Damn..." Charlie said. Kenny shook his head. "He's always crushed on her... Getting kinda weird.." "Really how so?" "Uhh when he starts to ask how her boobs taste while I was being beast fed as a baby..." "So you're a beast fed baby?" "No! That's the thing. He asked to be Charlie..."

"If someone was just hearing about you guys for the first time right now how would you describe the band?" "Just a group of lost kids who love playing music really. We're really weird and want to encourage our fans and make them know they can do anything they want in life. They just have to have that belief in them self. They're not only. There are other kids like them in this word and know how certain situations feel." Kenny said. "We mainly wanna give back to the music word. I know for me and the guys as well. Music saved us. It IS our life and we want to be that savior to other kids."

"What's one thing people mistake about your band?" "That we all like each other?" We laughed. "I mean I can't stand these guys! They're weird!!!" "No uh I'd say that the one thing we get mistaken for is our come up... A lot of people think this band is only successful cause WWE is behind it but really. They have nothing to do with it! No part at all! It's all us.
And people also think it was easy for us cause we're on Eminem's label. He doesn't just pick up anyone... He has to see real talent. I'm not trying to brag cause that's the least thing we do is brag about ourselves. it was still a battle to grow this strong fan base and to even get em to agree to sign on a band like us. We write and produce all our songs all em really does is approve stuff. We have our own manager who handles scheduling and that stuff so all em is really doing is sitting back and collecting that doe."

"Okay. I've seen videos of you guys having conversations with Brit as she's in the shower. Why?" They laughed. "I don't know. It's something about Brit in a shower her thoughts are real complexed. If you want a real quality conversation with her, go talk to her when she's in the shower." "Why the shower?" He pointed at me. "Uhh I don't know. Haha I guess it just relaxes me to get clear straight thoughts out." "So next time we should do this interview from the shower?" "If it helps ya. Haha might have too."

"I'll keep that in mind. Okay I have some fan questions... This fan asks Brittany. If you had to date one of the band members who would it be and why?" "Uhh... Dang. That's weird to think about... But I'd have to say... Matt." He nodded. "That's right!!" Matt yelled in Kenny's face.

"This fan asks is the next album in the works yet? Or any new music?"
"Yea of course! We never stop working on music! We have so many singles and enough for an album we just haven't done anything with them yet. So.. You never know. You could have a new song tomorrow!"

"Okay Brittany this one ask is Brillic real? And have you read any Brillic fan fics online?!"
"Brillic?" "Brittany Kellin and Vic?? Wow you've never heard that?!!!" I shook my head. "Nope! We have fan fics??" "Yea! A lot actually!" "No shit! Dang I loved reading fan fics as a kid. I'd have to check some out! And uhh yes? Haha we are." "Nice. Yea and you and Vic are Bic. And then you and Kellin are Brellin." "Brellin... I like it!"

"Last fan question. And again for Brittany. Which fan of yours are better. Your WWE fans or band fans?" I looked down. "I hate this question... I don't have 2 fan bases. It's all one to me and I love them all. I couldn't pick which I'd love more cause both careers are my life. I wanted to do both and I am."
"How do you manage tour writing and WWE shows?" "It's hard yes. But it's worth it.. I may be tired as hell sometimes but I'm living the dream. I know it's worth it when I'm in the ring or on stage and I see that one fan in aw and tears looking at me. It means the world to me. That's how I'm able to do this."

"Okay guys would you do a funny face with me to end the show?" "Ya of course." "Justin you gettin in on this?" Bryan asked as we rearranged. Justin stood to get in on it. " ya of course". "Alright one. Two. Three. Funny face!"
We posed.
"Alright. Thank you guys soo much any last words to your fans?" "Uhh come out to the shows! And thank you guys soo much! We love you and can't wait to see you at shows!"


Go get the new album!!!

General Admission!!

Lace up!!!!

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