Chapter 10

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It was Monday. Again. Anna and I had just arrived at the school gates and we were walking down the path way until somebody turns up. I still don't feel safe after the Hans incident. I hear their footsteps walking behind so I decide to look behind me. Its only Jack.

"Hey," I greet him and slow down to let him catch up. Anna smiles at me and stands beside me, waving at Jack when he catches up.

"Hey," Jack replies and takes a sip of one of the two coffees in his hands. He smiles at me and hands me the other coffee, my hero. I really need coffee right now.

"Thank you, Jack." I say and drink some of the freshly hot coffee. Anna awkwardly stands there and whispers in my ear.

"I so ship you two!" She whisper-yells and jumps up and down before stopping when me and Jack both stare at her. "I think I'll leave you two alone." She says and sprints away after her friends.

I still feel nervous about Hans. He could strike at any minute. Jack must notice my worry because he looks at me and smiles before comforting me. "Don't worry about Hans, I'll sort him out today at basketball practice." He assures and I look at him in panic. He has been known to have a great punch.

"Jack, promise me you won't hurt him." I tell him and look at him seriously in the eyes. "But-" he begins but I stop him by giving him a pleading look. He whines before agreeing. "Promise." He finally says and I smile before we head to our first class, Social Studies. I thinm we still have homework to do from that class.

"Jack, did you ask me all the questions you needed to in Social Studies?" I ask him and panic because I don't want to have a detention. He chuckles and pats my head.

"Els, we finished early," he chuckles and I see how white and perfect his teeth are. No wonder girls swoon over him, he has everything. The looks, the attitude, so why choose me? I want to ask him bit say if I sound needy?

I finish the last of my coffee and throw it away in the nearest bin. Jack waits for me and we continue walking until Jack stops and starts to walk in the opposite direction. I look around and see Hans. Jacks walking over to him. "Jack!" I shout and grab onto his arm when I catch up with him.

"Please, leave him and talk to him later." I tell him and stay holding onto his arm until hr calms down. "Alright." He says and smiles at me. When we walk, I get glares and people gossip.

"Why's Jack Frost with her?"

"She's not even pretty!"

"What a waste of space, why wouldn't Jack choose someone who is worth it?"

These are only half of the things I hear and it upsets me. Just because Jack Frost and I are friends, doesn't mean I should be verbally bullied. "Ignore them." Jack tightly says and glares at them, shutting most of them up. People are really scared of him. I guess he is a bad boy and Mr. Popular.

Is this really a real friendship?

A/N: Sorry for the super short update! Going to Clacton for the weekend so no updates until Monday! Sorry!

Thanks for reading, see you soon!


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