Chapter 3

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I can't stop thinking about the girl who seems to be all over my mind. Hiccup told me he found out her name is Elsa which is really pretty. I can't like her, can I?

"Jack," Kristoff waves a hand infront of my face as I keep looking at Elsa and her friends all having fun on their table. I hum in response to Kristoff which makes him chuckle.

"Someone's in love!" Hiccup cheers and pats my back playfully. Annoyed! I shuv him off and groan in annoyance. I don't like her! I just find her interesting.

"She was the one who messed with my when I got my schedule." I complain and try to make it sound like the reason why I keep looking at her.

"She doesn't seem like much." Flynn says and finishes off his soda before the bell rings, signaling our next class which for me is Music. I don't mind music but its not always fun.

Lazily, I make my way out from the cafeteria and leave the boys because they don't have my class. Strangely, I see Elsa ahead of me and I have no idea why, but I catch up with her.

"Elsa!" I shout and stop running when I end up beside her. She looks at me funny and raises and eye brow. Understable. Its not everyday that a girl is chased by the most popular boy in school.

"Music, right?" I ask between breaths. She unsurely nods before shaking her head and continues walking. I catch up with her again and try and make conversation.

"Fair game on the prank you pulled earlier." I tell her and smirk before poking her arm. She laughs before smiling at me.

"I just wanted to teach you a lesson." She replies and looks all smart and sly. Curiosity gets the better of me.

"The lesson was?" I question her and give her a 'no-answer' face which makes her look at me in the eyes and shakes her head. She does that a lot.

"The lesson was that you shouldn't mess with people." She smartly states and I chuckle before we go out separate ways when we enter the music room.

"Okay class, sit wherever you want!" Miss Ariel announces in her chirpy voice. Some kids cheer whilst others just sigh but either way, I want to sit and annoy Elsa. Some people stare at me when I walk and approach Elsa.

"Elsa, wanna sit next to me because I need help." I whine and she looks at me with a surprised look. Carefully, she pulls out and chair from the two-seat desk and let's me sit there.

"Only if you actually work." She clarifies and of course, I nod before sitting down and chucking my bag on the floor beside me. Elsa and I begin to do some work which I usually don't do. Maybe she is different.


After school, me and my little sister Emma are going to the mall. I promised her I would take her book shopping because she loves them.

"Come on, Jack!" She whines impatiently as I finally pull inside a parking space which is near enough to the mall entrance. Emma quickly gets out and wastes no time in running inside the mall and finding the book shop.

"Ems, wait!" I shout to her as her short figure disappears into the busy crowd of people. Panicking is what I am good at when it comes to people I care about so I quickly chase after her, franticly calling her name.

I stop running when I head past a place called Oakens Book Store which could be where Emma was heading off to. So ai decide to look in there only to find the most unexpected thing that could happen.

Message from Author:

Sorry for the super short chapter School work has been really busy lately but I promise I will update by Saturday!


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