Chapter 2

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My first class was Social Studies which was always easy because all we did was discuss issues that happen in the country, simple if you ask me.

Anna and Punzie are not in my class but I think Merida, my other friend, is. Ever since I played Jack Frost at his own game, his vivid blue eyes have been playing in my mind but not for a good reason. He's such a jerk.

"Elsa," I hear somebody call from behind me so I turn around and see red, fiery hair which only means one person. Merida. I happily walk over to her and we hug before exchanging schedules. She's in the same classes as me.

"Shall we head to class?" I offer and she nods before we walk down the busy corridors filled with other students all pushing and shuving each other out the way.

After the stressful walk, we finally arrive to Social Studies. My teacher is called Miss Jasmine. Me and Merida stand at the back like all the others whilst we wait for a seating arrangement. When everything appears to be normal, Jack Frost walks in with Flynn Ryder. Great. Say if he seeks revenge on the game I pulled on him?

"Mr Frost and Mr Ryder, why are we late?" Miss Jasmine asks sternly when the walk in the door. Flynn just walks past but Jack actually answers her.

"Oh, some girl was holding me up" he exaggeratingly says and scans the room before his eyes meet with me and he winks at me. I feel my cheeks heat up by I ignore him and roll my eyes at him. Why would he say that to a teacher! I was just teaching him a well deserved lesson.

"Mr Frost, we will talk after class" Miss Jasmine sighs and gestures for him to stand at the back like everyone else. Jack lazily makes his way over to where I am standing and the girl next to me, Ariel, moves aside when he glares at her. He stands right beside me and nudges my shoulder.

"Nice to see you, Princess" he whispers in my ear and I shiver because of his minty, cool breath. I sigh in annoyance before replying back to him.

"Stop calling me Princess!" I whisper-yell to him and luckily the teacher didn't hear me. Jack silent chuckles before he listens to the names being called and seated.

Merida gets seated next to Ariel who is friendly with us which is luck for her. She waves at me before sitting beside Ariel and they begin chatting. Miss Jasmine then begins calling out more names and seating them together.

"Mr Frost and Miss Arens." Miss Jasmine states and points to the desk in the corner, near the window which has the view of the school garden. How can I be paired with him? Now my grades will fail!

Miss Jasmine looks at Jack and I before we both begin walking to the seats at the same time. Merida gives me a sad look as I walk past her but I fake smile and roll my eyes which makes her silently chuckle.

Jack let's me sit by then window which is the good thing, I guess. Once everybody was seated, the lesson begins but all Jack does is smirk at me or poke me which really bugs me although I try and ignore him. Miss Jasmine continues the lecture until the break bell rings which sends the class out like some wild animals.

Merida and I meet outside the classroom before we walk to the cafeteria together and finally see Anna and Punzie who saved us each as seat at the back table.

"Still can't adjust to Punzie's new style, aye?" Merida asks me most probably because I keep staring at Punzie's hair which is a beautiful blonde colour. I shake my head and pout before we both sit down at the table.

"Elsa aren't you forgetting something?" Anna mysteriously asks me as she glares at me with her dark blue eyes. Confused, I shake my head and give her a questioning look. Anna sighs before throwing me her schedule and then it clicks. I never gave her the one I collected for her when I left her a Punzie.

"Anna, I'm so sorry!" I exclaim and rummage through my bag to give her the schedule which is starting to crinkle. I'm such a bad sister. Anna smiles before shaking her head.

"Don't worry. The office understood" she reassures me before taking out 4 bracelets and putting them in the center of the table.

"What are these?" Punzie sweetly asks Anna. I look at them, each one has a distinct colour with our names in white.

"We will always be friends." Anna replies and hands Merida hers, orange. Punzie, pink, Anna's, yellow and mine, light blue. They're beautiful.

"Thanks, Anna!" We all say in unison as we tie the cotton around our wrists and enjoy the rest of our free time.

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