Chapter 18

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Harry's POV

Right now I'm feeling amazed and kinda dumb. I never knew Alexa could sing! That's why in Chorus I was so shocked. She has such a beautiful voice. When I first heard her sing, I instantly got in a trance. It's almost as if her voice is my happy place. I think I'm addicted to it. The reason I'm feeling dumb is, well, it's no secret that Alexa is way better Brittany. Brittany has no talent, other than being a bitch and whining all the time. I can't stand her. I know, you're probably thinking "If you can't stand her, then why the hell are you dating her?" It's a long story.

Ok, so I really like Alexa a lot. After all the mistakes I've been making lately, I doubt she even likes me the slightest bit. Yeah, I know that there's plenty of girls at my school that practically throw themselves at me, literally, but I'm not interested in them. I want someone I can actually have a conversation with, not someone who drools from me acknowledging their presence. The only person I'm interested in that is actually normal is Alexa, but she's over me now. You're probably thinking "Yeah, we get that. Now tell us why you're dating Brittany?" I'll get to that soon. All I'm going to say now is the real reason I dated Brittany last school year was over a dare.

*Flashblack to last school year*

"Harry!" my friend Louis shouted to me. "Come over here!"

I picked up my bag and walked over to our lunch table. Sitting at the table were all my best mates; Liam, Louis, Zayn, and Niall.

"Hey guys, I have an idea. Let's play Truth or Dare!" Zayn suggests.

"Ooh, sounds fun, let's do it!" Niall agreed cheerfully.

We gathered around the table closely so only we could hear each other.

"Who's going first?" Liam asks us.

"Louis the Tommo Tomlinson will go!" Louis shouts. "Harry," he says while turning to me, "truth or dare?"

"Hmm" I trail.

I think about the pros and cons to this question. Not trying to seem like a wuss, I say "Dare."

Louis chuckles darkly. "I dare you to ask out someone from the Barbies right now!"

"No." I say quickly.

"Sorry mate, but you have to do it." Liam tells me.

The Barbies, one of the many cliques at our school, are a group of three girls; Rachael, Savannah, and Brittany. Everyone calls them the Barbies, even the teachers. They're the most popular girls at our school. Every girl wants to be them, and every guy wants to fuck them. Well, every guy except me and my buds. Rachael is really pretty, but she's super self centered. She accidentally slapped some kid across the face, but all she cared about was that her manicure got messed up. Still to this day, she never even apologized. Savannah is hot, but she's really dumb. I'm not kidding when I say she almost ended up staying back a grade at least twice this year. Last but definitely not least is Brittany. She's the leader of their clique. It seems as if the people here worship her. To the teachers, she can never do any wrong. She literally bullies any girl that doesn't reach her "high standards", but they don't care. They're just happy she even talked to them. I'm not even gonna lie, Brittany is sexy as hell. A turn off about her? She's a complete bitch. The Barbies are you're stereotypical rich and snobby white girls.

"Fine. Which one does it have to be?" I ask.

"Brittany." Louis smugly replies. I shoot a death glare him before I walk over to the Barbie's lunch table.

All around their table are a bunch of girls literally begging for their autographs. Seriously? They aren't even famous! Well, around this school they are.

I push my way through the crowd of girls. I hear a few of them scream things like "Omg it's Harry Styles!", "Harry can you like have my babies?", "I heard you like pussies, Harry. You can have mine tonight!" and other stuff like that. I shudder at the last one.

After passing about 30 girls, I finally reach the table.

"Hey Harry!" the three girls say in unison.

"Hey." I say to all of them. "Brittany, can we talk in private?" I ask her.

"That's not the only thing we can do in private..." she whispers in my ear seductively, discreetly rubbing my crotch.

That's another thing about Brittany. She's quite blunt when it comes to stating her feelings.

"I'm serious, Britt-"

"I know, Harry, I'm just playing. Follow me." she says as she leads me outside.

"I wanted to know, will you be my girlfriend?" I ask. I'm praying that she'll say no. She might be super hot, but she's definitely not girlfriend material. Plus I don't even like her. I'm only doing this because of the dare for goodness sake!

"Of course!!!" she shouts, practically squeezing the life out of me. Well this didn't go as I planned it. Wait, why wouldn't she say yes? I forgot that she has this huge crush on me, so it should have been obvious what her answer was going to be. You live and learn I guess.

*Flashback over*

Now that you know why I dated her in the first place, I'll try explaining why I'm dating her now. The lads are always telling me that girls usually don't tell you that they like you unless you start dating someone else. That makes them jealous. I was aiming to make Alexa jealous of Brittany, leading to her telling me that she likes me. That plan backfired. Badly. Now she doesn't even talk to me at all. Why did I even take their advice anyways? They all have girlfriends that they actually like, and they never made them jealous. Not even once. Eh, you live and learn I guess.


(A/N): I know this chapter probably sucked but I needed to do Harry's pov. I'm always doing the story from Alexa's view, so I thought to spice it up a bit. Now you guys know what happened between Harry and Brittany. Don't worry, n a few chapters from now there will be a flashback to why they broke up! Whoops! Didn't mean to give that hint out! Oh well. Anyways, I hope you guys understand a bit more about this story.

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