Kanan softly sighed. The kid's ignorance was returning with his bravery and confidence. Unfortunately, his padawan's confidence can easily be misunderstood as boasting and boasting can kill someone. It's a suicidal trait.

The Phantom exited hyperspace and began to descend to Lothal. Ezra could feel his heart palpitating and coldness reveal itself to him. He shivered as they went closer to his home planet.

"Are you okay?" Kanan inquired, who was not experiencing chills.
"I'm getting really cold."
"Really? I'm not that cold."

Kanan reached down and felt Ezra's forehead but quickly withdrew. He was freezing, almost to a deathly point. He immediately began to worry for Ezra's safety. He almost wanted to cancel the mission, but it was too late.

"Approaching the mines!" Hera alerted everyone as she began to make the final descent.

Sabine and Zeb lined up at the exit of The Phantom and Hera began to lower the back.

"We'll be back soon!" Sabine said.
"Stay connected!" Hera reminded everyone.
"We will!"

And then she jumped onto the roof of the building. Followed by Zeb and Ezra. Kanan waited a moment and Hera noticed.

"Is there something wrong?" Hera asked.
"No...," Kanan lied. "Nothing..."

Hera gave him a suspicious look as he leaped off The Phantom. She didn't wait too long before taking off again because TIEs immediately began to target her. So as the four other Specters invaded the ground, she would have to defend the air. Chopper remained at the rebel base to update Ahsoka on the mission.

"Come on, let's go!" Kanan shouted as he made an entrance into the building from the roof.

The four Specters jumped in and landed in a single hallway with two never-ending sides.

"Sabine, Zeb, you go left. Ezra and I will go right," Kanan commanded. "Remember to split up once you reach a fork or something."

They all nodded and began to swiftly and silently race in opposite directions. Just like in any horror movie, splitting up was detrimental to the victims. Another hundred yards of running, and Kanan and Ezra ran into their first split path. One appeared brand new, while the other was rusty, oxidized, and abandoned.

"Which one do you want to go in?" Ezra asked.
"You go in the older one!" Kanan said and raced off.

Ezra was stunned that his master had just taken off, but he disregarded it and ran into the other hallway. As he ran around he noticed that it opened up into a larger rectangular room with crates scattered everywhere, pipes lying diagonally across a section of the room and rusty grayed floors. There were a few vent shafts, but toward the floor. Those would make a great escape route..., Ezra thought. 


Kanan ran through the hallways as quietly as he could and then saw something around the corner. He immediately stopped. He put his hand on his blaster and leaned over around the corner. What a relief!, Kanan thought and relaxed, It's just Zeb. Suddenly, a spark from Zeb's bo-rifle was swung in front of Kanan and he saw Zeb's alert look.

"Zeb! It's just me!" Kanan exclaimed.
"Oh...," Zeb pulled back his weapon, laughed, and scratched the back of his head in embarrassment. "Sorry!"
"Did you and Sabine split at two paths? Was one of them old and one new?"
"Yeah, we did as a matter of fact."
"Strange...do you think they set this up?"
"Maybe...but I was just looking around over here"--Zeb led Kanan over to an area hanging over the dock--"and I saw those crates. Those must be where the kyber crystals are, right?"
"Of course!"

Suddenly, the two doors on each side of the room slammed shut and they realized they were trapped. Kanan ignited his lightsaber and Zeb held up his bo-rifle. Out of nowhere, the floor collapsed beneath them and they ended up in a large dark black room outside the boarding dock. A large, shark-like man came out wearing tattered and scratched black armor. Kanan stared into the man's cloudy translucent eyes and saw his dagger-like teeth. The red lightsaber turned on and Kanan and Zeb stood up ready to fight. The red light from their opponent's weapon reflected onto ten stormtrooper's masks and their ready weapons.

"Welcome to your end...rebels," the Fifth Brother grimly said in a deep voice as he positioned himself to spar with the Jedi.


Suddenly, a loud noise shook him and he turned around. He began to slowly walk around the premises. He noticed two other hallways. One led into darkness and the other extended to a shut door. He curiously wandered into the hallway with the door and saw something there with three bright red dots. Lights.

"What is that?" he murmured to himself as he stood frozen. "A bounty hunter?"
"Guess again," a mechanical monotonous voice sounded and a red lightsaber ignited.

Ezra's heart began to beat even faster and he took a few hesitant steps back. His hand fell down to his side and felt his lightsaber. As the person began to run toward him he ignited his lightsaber and they began to spar. He was caught off-guard. This was unexpected. And the droids with the singular red eyes were just taunting and intimidating him. He jumped onto a crate to gain some distance from the black-dressed person, who he now determined was a woman from her acrobatic and graceful moves of death. Abruptly, she jumped in front of him with her spinning Sith lightsaber and kicked him off onto the floor. Then a droid snatched onto his right shoulder and collarbone. He began to try and pull it off, but was unsuccessful. Then she pounced on him.

"You and I are going to have a little talk...," she said through her mechanically altered voice.

Ezra's fear spiked as he nervously looked between her and the droid. Suddenly, a blast was shot and the woman on top of Ezra fell off of him. She looked up and saw the origin of the blast: Sabine. The droids duplicated into ten little ones and looked at the woman for command.

"Get her!"

Sabine saw the wave of small droids running toward her. There were so many, and she only had two pistols. One grabbed onto her wrist and began to shock her. Ezra was about to get up and help her, but the woman in the sleek black armor drew him back in and they fought. After each shot Sabine took, the droid attached to her wrist gave her a nasty shock. She pointed her blaster at it and it emitted a shock so intricate and powerful that it made her drop her blaster. The antagonist noticed and smirked under her mask.

"Take her away!"

Five of the droids scrambled onto Sabine and grabbed her. One droid sneakily shocked her comm. with so much voltage, it broke and she was left isolated from the other Specters. Sabine struggled to get out of their grasp, but failed as she was being dragged into the dark hallway Ezra never took time to discover. But he didn't have time now either. The woman was pressing against his lightsaber and him against a wall. But then, he remembered the air shaft vents and quickly devised a plan to escape this woman's wrath. He swung up and then focused on his powers and blew her away a few yards. Then he got to his knees, used his lightsaber and sliced open the vent, and began to crawl inside.

"Droids, get him!" the woman ordered as she sat up.

The remaining five robots raced over to Ezra and one--the main droid--attached itself to Ezra's left calf and began to pull him out. Ezra thought and tried to grab ahold of anything that he could to hinder the droid's power. But the droid on his shoulder electrocuted him and the other droids acted like stormtroopers escorting a prisoner behind him.

"Give it to him!" the woman commanded.

Then the droid on his shoulder crawled down to his arm and injected him with the serum. Ezra instantly began to feel something stunting his mind and body as numbness took over. He was turned over and saw his enemy staring down at him as his vision grew blurry. Within seconds, he fell unconscious and the droids waited for the main droid to do its final job. It approached Ezra's neck and injected him with another fluid. The woman smiled.

"Take him to my office and make sure he doesn't wake up," she sternly said.

The droids nodded and began to take Ezra away.

"Now, time to finish up the last of these rebel scum..."

A Different Path [UNFINISHED]Where stories live. Discover now