A Bad Battle

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Kanan, Zeb, and Sabine were all sparring against the Fifth Brother and hundreds of stormtroopers. However, the Fifth Brother stood aside to watch his enemies drain their energy. Kanan knew this was very similar to Order 66. Their location, the feeling, and the fights were all similar to his past. But a new presence changed all of that and Kanan stopped fighting so harshly and stopped for a moment as he continued to watch Sabine and Zeb fight. They turned around for a split second before having to return their focus to the fight at hand.

"Kanan, what's wrong?" Sabine asked, concentrated on her fight as the stormtroopers began to diminish.
"Something weird is going on in the force...," Kanan replied.
"Like what?" Zeb intervened in their conversation.
"I can't get in touch with the light. All I feel is...--"

Kanan turned around and saw the Seventh Sister. The last of the stormtroopers fell and the Fifth Brother joined the Seventh Sister as they approached the rebels.

"A Jedi...," she said. "I haven't seen one in such a long time."

Before Kanan could do anything, she ignited her lightsaber and leaped toward him and a small droid of hers broke his comm. with an overload of voltage. Their spar continued. The Fifth Brother also ambushed Sabine and Zeb as they stood aside as the Seventh Sister dominated Kanan. The small droids continued to destroy all of the rebels' comms.

"My turn...," he grimly said.

The Fifth Brother and Zeb were evenly matched. They were both very strong. The Seventh Sister and Sabine were also equal. Although the Seventh Sister may be more powerful, Sabine was more creative and could easily perform better on field missions than the Inquisitor. Zeb and The Fifth Brother fought, leaving out Sabine. Then she began to wonder about Ezra as she watched The Seventh Sister fight with Kanan.

"Where's Ezra?" Sabine suddenly asked.
"What do you mean?" Kanan replied as he began to divide his focus from The Seventh Sister.
"She was fighting with him!"

Kanan and The Seventh Sister pressed on each other with their lightsabers. Kanan stared into the Seventh Sister's black mysterious mask.

"What did you do with my padawan?" he gritted his teeth as he continued to push on her.
"You'll see..."
"Sabine!" Kanan shouted. "Go find him! Use your comm.!"
"It's broken. I'll just have to try and find him the old fashioned way!"

The Fifth Brother wasn't going to let her find the boy.

"Troopers! Get her!" he commanded as Zeb tried to hit him, but failed.

As the chaos continued, the covering of the boarding dock began to vibrate. The four fighting foes looked up as the roof continued to break. Each of them became somewhat or partially distracted with the noise. However, Hera, in The Phantom, emerged and began to obliterate the Mining Institute. The Seventh Sister began to make some quick decisions.

"Transport him to Plan B!" she shouted into a comm. built into her helmet.

Kanan attempted to strike her, but she force jumped backward and she and the Fifth Brother ran into the darkness. Above, they saw Sabine with Hera, somehow in The Phantom. However, just as they were about to hop on, Kanan told Hera what had happened. And during that time, the Seventh Sister and the Fifth Brother returned with a few remaining stormtroopers that were after Sabine.

"Miss me, bucket heads?" Sabine teased them as she pointed her pistols at them.

Then she fired and dodged their incoming fire. Zeb and Kanan unwillingly jumped onto The Phantom after Hera mentioned how Ezra went completely "off the map". The door closed and Hera turned The Phantom around and fired a few shots at the Inquisitors. After that, she took off with the Specters and immediately entered hyperspace. Kanan was completely devastated. He now understood the feelings Ezra had when they lost him to The Empire. But now they had Ezra. Kanan knew how strong Ezra could be, and obviously assumed The Empire knew. (Otherwise, The Empire wouldn't have targeted him.) Tears squeezed their ways out of Kanan's eyes as he turned around to face his disappointed crew.

"Did you get in touch with Chopper and Ahsoka to tell them what happened?" Sabine asked.
"I don't know what happened," Hera started. "My comm. just went up in sparks a few minutes ago when we were getting Kanan and Zeb."

Zeb sadly looked away from Hera and glanced down at the ground. However, something caught his eye. A small red dot was looking up at him and it made him curious like Ezra. Then he realized the red dot was from the troublesome droids of The Seventh Sister.

"Droid!" Zeb outburst.
"Where?" Sabine exclaimed with a pistol in hand.

Zeb pointed down, under one of the seats and Sabine fired at it. It reflected one of the shots off and hit one of the control panels of The Phantom. Then Zeb grabbed his bo-rifle and electrocuted it until it died.

"Piece of junk...," Zeb grumbled.

Hera looked at the damage done by the droid's reflective shield.

"Ugh! I just had that fixed!" Hera whined.
"Oh great...," Sabine stared out into space as they exited hyperspace.
"We just led star destroyers to the base!"

A Different Path [UNFINISHED]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora