"Okay, first of all.. That's a human dii2h called MA2HED POTATOE2. IIt2 that creamy whiite 2tuff we pour brown 2tuff over."

"Oh that!"

"IIm kiinda down for browniie2. Be2iide2, we miight fuck up the MP'2 probably.."

"True.. Alright, let's get started.." I looked around the kith me for different utensils and bowls to use.
I grabbed them all and set them on the counter.

Sollux grabbed all the ingredients from the cabinets and refrigerator.

"We 2houls wa2h our hand2, huh?"
He looked over at me, as I grabbed two aprons.

"Yeah, that'd be best.. Here, I wwas savvin this for.. A certain time.. But I guess it's okay to givve it to you noww." I held out a yellow apron to him.

He turned it over to examine the front side, seeing little bees on it.
I saw the smile appear on his face .
"Thii2 ii2 cute. Thank you 2o much." He hugged me and put it on.

We cleaned up and started.
"I'll start mixing the dry ingredients and get the tray ready so nothing sticks. You start mixin' the eggs, milk and butter." I pointed.

After a minute, I walked over and poured in the dry ingredients.
"Keep mixing wwhile I get the tray ready."

I looked at him and sighed.

He was stirring with a god damn fork.

I laughed and walked over to him, grabbing the extra whisk.
"WWith this, silly."

He flushed yelloww. "Oh.. II didn't 2ee that there.." He laughed embarrassingly.

I placed it in his hand, but held onto his hand. I mixed with him.
"Like this. And wwe keep stirrin' until there are no more clumps."

"Oh.." He smiled.

My chin rest on his shoulder as I stirred with him. It felt nice to be close like this.
Not in a sexual way or anything..
It just felt nice..

"I-II thiink the clump2 are all gone.." He said quietly, looking at me.

"Hmm? O-Oh right.." I let go and stepped back. I brought over the tray.
"Wwanna pour it in?"

Sollux grinned, pouring the brownie mixture into the silver tray.
I placed it into the oven, setting a timer.

We cleaned up as we waited for the brownies to bake.
I cleaned the countertops when I heard, "Hey ED!"

"Yeah So-" I was met with a blow of flour onto my face.

Sollux burst out laughing as I tried to spit out whatever had gotten in my mouth.

"You lil-" I grinned and took the bag of flour from him, grabbing some and throwing it onto his face.

He laughed as we fought over the bag, spreading flour all over the place. I slipped like the klutz I am, pulling Sollux down to the floor with me.
We landed beside each other, laughing like the idiots we are.

"Haha, great. Noww wwe havve MORE to clean up!"

"Hehe. IIt wa2 ju2t two temptiing!"

By My 2iide (Erisol)Where stories live. Discover now