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Clint pov

Hearing the familiar clanging of swords and loud battle cries made me sigh dejectedly at his difficult training exercises. Knowing he is in the depths of his memories and emotions, I slowly walked inside as quietly as possible. Forgetting about his sometimes inhuman hearing and senses, a sword flew right beside my right temple then embedded on the wall with a loud thump behind me. My whole body ran cold as the sword scraped my skin leaving a long yet shallow wound on my temple. The sudden course of action made me forget how to breathe for a second and have to take deep breaths afterwards to regain the steadiness of my heartbeat.

His eyes turned from dark icy orbs into his regular dull sea green eyes after seeing my shocked face and stiffed body. His fighting stance was long forgotten and jogged towards me with worry and sheepish look.

"Oh, gods. I'm so sorry, Clint, I didn't mean to-" Percy fretted over me after realizing that I was the one crawling in his little stupor.

"It's okay. You were only releasing the bottled emotion." I wiped the fresh trail of blood on my temple and shrugged his apology away then offered him the tray of food. "To make it up with me, you should at least eat this. Natasha and I know that you haven't eaten anything for breakfast."

Percy looked at me before looking at the bowl of cookies on the tray with sadden eyes.

"Thanks, Clint." Percy grabbed the bowl before grabbing three chocolate chipped cookies and place back the bowl on the tray. He slowly finished it and dusted his hands then sauntered his way to the embedded sword behind me.

Watching him walk his way to the mats and practice dummies with his newly created sword in his hand, an idea popped in my mind that I may or may not regret it. Ignoring the consequences or the aftermath of my idea, I called out for Percy as I placed down the tray of food on the nearest bench; where Percy placed his training bag and clothes on. His sea green orbs looked at me with confusion until he saw me pulled a sword from the weaponry rack and grin at me.

"Let's spar." I said as I show some tricks with the sword, testing its weight and length. "It's been so long since we last sparred."

"It was a year ago, I think. Natasha would always give me sparring lessons every now and then."

"This time, it's my turn to give you a sparring lesson." I said a bit smugly as I walk on top of the training mats. "And this time, I won't go easy on you."

"Are you sure about this?" Percy reluctantly asked.

"I'm sure." I said and fell into position then he fell into his own fight stance.

We rotated as we assess each other's flaws and strengths. Knowing that both of us won't back down, I let myself give him a small opening. He knew I gave him a chance and ignored it then distracted me by letting the tip of his sword hit the training mat dashed towards me with the wide arc slash right before my feet to my chest area. I leaned back to avoid the sharp blade from hitting me and Percy took this moment to his advantage. He swept his foot below me. To my luck, I already predicted this and jumped just in time his foot swept below me. I was about to slash him on the shoulder when he gracefully turned and blocked my assault with his sword. He was about to give me a counterattack when a new voice came into the room.

"Clint." I heard her called my name with a warning tone. "I thought we have a silent agreement about his training regimen and his eating habits."

I groaned silently before falling my fighting stance and turned to her. Her red short hair was tied into a half ponytail as she carried a plate of food from the breakfast table. Looking at her and the food she is carrying, I know that a bowl of cookies doesn't satisfy her worries on Percy's health.

Percy Jackson and The Avengers Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang