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Percy pov

*after age of ultron*

Putting my index finger infront of the trigger. Preparing to shoot an infamous murder across the building. Suddenly, my phone rang. I pulled my phone out and answered the call then placed it on my ear.

"Hello, Agent Jackson speaking" I said a bit irritated as my target got out of my sight.

"Hello, Percy" a woman's voice greeted

I know this voice so well, even if we parted for 2 or 3 years. I still remember the last time we talked. Bringing the sad news to me during my training.

"Natasha" I greeted.

"Where are you?" she asked me as if someone is irritating her.

"I'm in Russia. Why?" I inquire

"You have to come here in the avengers' tower. This is a direct order from Fury. You are to abandon your current mission, if possible." Natasha suddenly yelled the name of the egotistical billionaire, which cause me to flinch from the loud sound.

"Hello? Are you still there?" I asked uncertainly

"Percy, you need to go here now" she ordered me then hung up on me. I put back my phone in my pocket. I looked at my sniper and switch on the safety then place it back in my gun bag. With a sigh, I carried my gun bag and beelined to the airport. Searching for the private jet is quite easy due to the SHIELD agent, who is waiting for me below the jet. I sauntered inside and took a seat beside the window.

I remembered when I was 12. I rode a plane just to go back to New York.

New York.

The place where the second titan war happened. Many campers died that day.

Luke, who killed himself.

Selina, who tried to kill the drakon.

Beckendorf, who set a bomb in the boat.

And many others.

As I looked at the sky and trying to keep calm, I unfortunately fell asleep.

A sleep filled with nightmares and torture.

Nightmares that cause me to kill the person who is trying to wake me up or scream my head off.

Percy Jackson and The Avengers Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant