Christmas special 3

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Wanda's POV

"Are you okay, Percy?" I asked worriedly as Natasha, Clint, and I approached him. I grabbed him on the shoulder and lend him some of my strength to keep him from kissing the floor. "You look a bit flushed"

He looked at us with his eyebrows scrunch up and eyes squinted in a very thin line. I looked at Clint with worry as Natasha came closer to take a better look at him. Suddenly, I felt Percy leaned to his right, making me lose my grip on his shoulders and cause Clint to rush to his side and carried a bit of his weight.

"I don't feel good." We heard Percy weakly mumbled. "I think I'm going to-"

Then, his eyes closed and his body went limp. This made Clint, Natasha, and I to be alarmed and the others to stop giving their gifts. Clint shakes him to wake up as I shout his name and Natasha slapped him across the face. A few minutes later, he groggily woke up.

"I'm awake. I'm awake." Percy mumbled then sat up with his head hanging. "I should go to bed."

Percy stood up and slowly walked to the elevator with his body in a very sluggish manner. But then, Tony blocked his way with a smug smile plastered on his face and a faint chucking sound from him.

"After we play truth or dare." Tony said as he dragged Percy back to the circle and pulled him down to sit on the floor then placed the empty champagne bottle, that he was carrying, on the floor. He called our attention as he placed an arm around Percy's shoulders.

As we all looked at the two worriedly and bemused, Tony spun the bottle. Waiting for the bottle to stop, I saw Natasha glaring at Tony who is trying to get Percy's attention to the game. Luckily for Tony, the bottle stopped spinning at Percy's direction. An evil glint in his eyes appeared as he faced Percy with a malicious smile.

"Truth or dare?" Tony asked as he elbowed a tired looking Percy who is having a hard time keeping his eyes open.

"Truth" Mumbled Percy. Then, Tony's smile turned to an insidious grin. Clint and Natasha looked at Percy with shock and confused expression. Sensing something is wrong with Percy, Natasha observed Percy's actions.

"Tell us what are the most embarrassing events happened to besides your hardships in your life, like you go out of the house without knowing that your shoes were mismatched or something." Tony smugly said.

Now knowing what are Tony's true intentions, Natasha stood up and was about to strangle him. But the attempt of killing him was stopped by being attacked Percy, who gave her a hug, and cause her to stepped back a few steps.

Percy slurred a foreign language that caused Natasha to flush deep red. He hugged her tightly and placed his head on the base of her neck.

"I love you. Please don't leave me." Percy slurred as tears welled up on his eyes. "Please don't die on me. Please don't leave me again. I'll be your seaweed brain forever. Just don't leave me,"

"WHAT DID YOU DO TO HIM?!" Natasha shouted angrily at Tony; who is filming the whole scene before him and trying to surpass his own laughter with a smile.

"I did not do anything." Tony defensively said. "I'm only giving hot chocolate drinks to everyone."

"Give me some of your hot chocolate drinks, if you really done nothing wrong" Natasha challenged Tony. She pushed Percy away and was about to reach out the cup of chocolate on the table but Tony suddenly snatched the cup first.

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