Elizabeth's P.O.V

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I wake up to the crisp autumn air and the wind blowing on my legs making me feel like I'm freezing to death . I notice the comforter on me is a silk black one and not a purple fluffy one like I'm use to . I also notice the walls are painted a smokey grey instead of soft lavender . Where am I ? What happened ?


study the place over trying to find anything that can help me know where I am . It's weird being somewhere and you don't know where you are or if anybody's here . It's nice in here don't get me wrong . Nice clean and neat . The walls are a smoky grey color and the hardwood floors are nicely polished . The dressers are really shiny and the paintings and decorations look very expensive . Where on earth am I . Most importantly who lives here ?

I let my mind stop rambling and actually try to figure out where I was . I stand up but stop only to see I'm in my undies . No . No . No .... What's going on . As I try to keep the tears from falling I take it upon myself to go through the drawers that were across the room from the bed I was on . I opened the drawers on to gasp when I see men's clothing . I continue to invade this mans belongings . Until I realize I could be in danger .

I swallow a lump I didn't know was there and continued my searching . I opened the last drawer and quickly stumbled back when 3 black metal objects slid across the polished wood . Guns ? Why does this person have guns ?! . I let down a few tears I've been holding since I've realized I was undressed .

I clothes the drawer and took it upon myself to grab one of the strangers white t-shirts . Slipping it over my head I head toward a door which I'm guessing is the bathroom . I see my reflection and automatically notice a difference . There's a dark purple bruise by my eye and a cut on my lips and cheek . It all started coming back to me . Oh no .

I continue to study myself until I feel pressure in the pit of my tummy . I'm hungry , I should find the kitchen . "What if he's here , what if he kills you " ? My mind screams at me . I'll take my chances I'm starved . I walk slowly toward the door and let out a slight whimper before I open it making my way down stairs . I walk around until I see an area I assume is the kitchen . It's Empty !! . I run in excitement toward the fridge . As I began to open it a hand slams it closed .

"Good to see you're finally awake princess" .

Authors note :
This is my first story so if it's bad I'll have time to fix it . Also I hope you enjoy it . ☺️💘

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