Ties are useful items.

Start from the beginning

"Save me a dance tomorrow, princess," he said as I giggled in his arms. I looked up at him, smiling happily.

"I shall save you more than one," I promised him and he kissed me gently.

"Oy! Keep your lips to yourself, I don't want to have to redo her lipstick."

I grinned up at Victor and bit my lip when I saw that he was now wearing a thin sheen of Cotton Candy pink on his lips.

"It suits him, leave it," Gabriel said, catching my fingers when I lifted my hand to wipe Victor's lips clean.

"Tastes good as well," Victor laughed as he smacked his lips together. "But I think the taste is all Sang."

"Yeah, probably," laughed Gabriel. "Do you want me to put some on you, Vic? It really does suit you." Gabriel smirked at him.

"I think I'll pass on that," Victor said and lead me towards the door as he wiped his mouth with his other hand.

"Sang baby," boomed North as I went out into the hallway, he was just closing the door. His eyebrows were drawn together. "You look fucking gorgeous and Marie has just gone out."

"Gone? With David?" I asked him, surprised by his last words.

"No, Stewart Johnston," he said with a frown. "She got a new boyfriend?"

"I don't know, who's Stuart Johnston?" I asked him.

"He's on the team, same year as Marie," Silas supplied from where he was leaning in the family room doorway. "You look beautiful, Aggele."

"Yeah you do," North said with a nod. "Stew is a good kid, better than David anyway."

"She hasn't said anything to me," I shrugged.

"Miss Sorenson, you are a vision of beauty," came a voice that sent shivers down my spine. I turned to see Owen coming out of the kitchen. He made my jaw drop and then snap shut. He was wearing a dark grey pair of slacks with a white shirt and a grey waistcoat but no jacket. His tie was the silver one I had bought him and he looked elegant without looking overdressed. Scratch elegant and insert gorgeous, he was really handsome and he made my stomach turn over to see him. I couldn't help but feel a little plain next to him, next to all of them. My insecurities were still there, just under the surface, no matter how many times I heard them tell me they loved me. I would always feel plain next to them, no matter how much Victor spent on me or how much makeup Gabriel put on me.

"Are you ready?" he asked me, coming towards me holding out his hand to me.

"Yes, I think so," I replied but instead of taking his hand I slipped my fingers around his elbow. My hands were sweaty with the nerves and excitement and I very much doubted he'd want to hold a sweaty palm.

"Hold up!" Gabriel shouted as he dashed into the bedroom and then came back out with my handbag and pink coat.

"Phone and lipstick in case you need to re-touch after eating," he said as he held it out to me. I took it, and then Owen took the coat from Gabriel and helped me into it.

I said goodbye to the rest of them as I felt Owen put his hand onto the small of my back to direct me to the door. He took a black double breasted jacket from the coat stand and slid into it.

"Be back by ten, and I expect you to treat her with respect," Gabriel called after Owen with a laugh.

Owen turned and although I couldn't see his face I could hear the smirk in his voice.

"Don't wait up, Mr Coleman, Miss Sorenson is coming home with me tonight, where I shall treat her with the utmost respect. Gentlemen." He shut the door behind him but I could still hear the whoop of laughter coming from Gabriel.

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