Captivation Part 11

Start from the beginning

As the music changed, so did the antics of the three.

Jared watched the three and he simply couldn't help the smile. They were completely over the top. The little girl was clearly bossing the two adult women about. And they were copying the little girl's dance and then they would pretend to be able to do some of the current dance moves. The moves just looked plain stupid. But it did not seem to matter to the two women or the little girl. They were clearly having fun, doing anything. Laughing. Giggling. Even the pregnant Georgia was dancing without any concerns with regard to propriety. He could see the similarities between the sisters as Caitlin and Georgia took it in turns to twirl the little girl around.

Douglas came back with two glasses of beer. With an arm outstretched as he handed one glass to his friend he asked, "What's going on?" Douglas peered past Jared's shoulder, and couldn't help the grin as he watched the antics of the three. "Well that's what I call uninhibited!" Jared took hold of the glass. His eyes remained trained on the dancing three.

They seemed so utterly engaged in what they were doing and were clearly uncaring of the fact that they looked ridiculous. "Probably why they haven't taken it inside." Jared took a sip of his beer and glanced at Douglas, even as he felt compelled to turn back to look at the three moving in random motion completely out of touch with the beat of the music.

The two men stood and watched the antics of the three girls. They sipped at their beer, but their eyes remained trained, as if mesmerized, on the antics of the two sisters and the little girl.

Eventually Jared broke the silence between them, "Have you met the sister?"

Douglas shook his head, but kept his eyes on the antics of the three. They looked like they were having fun and didn't care about the fact that they were making a spectacle of themselves. The music continued to blare out a heavy beat, and the three continued to move like demented flies. Not that they cared what people thought about their antics!

Douglas looked over at Jared and said, "No. I met her husband though. Years ago, probably nearer four years ago, before he got married I think." Douglas sipped at his beer. He was trying to recall the circumstances of that meeting. But it was just a fleeting meeting.

Jared's eyes scanned the older sister. There was some similarity between the two sisters. You'd know they were sisters. "Word is her father paid him." Jared announced bluntly, still keeping track of the three bodies gyrating around like drunken flies.

Douglas snorted. It was a good job he hadn't taken a sip of his beer at that moment for he would have spewed it out in surprise. Douglas looked at Jared as if he had just sprouted horns. "Does she look like she'd need to buy a husband?" Douglas asked dryly, his eyes moving from Caitlin to her sister. Yes, she was pregnant, but being pregnant seemed to suit her. She practically glowed. Thought that glow might also have something to do with the fact that she was attempting to do the twist with two rambunctious co-conspirators.

Jared laughed and conceded with honesty, "Guess not."

The sister was beautiful. She was tall and even pregnant she had an air of regal decorum about her. Dancing like someone possessed had not lessened the aura of elegance that she wore like a second skin. No, her father would not have to pay anyone to marry her.

Just then Douglas caught sight of Georgia's husband. "That's him. Elias Mendoca." Douglas stated. Jared looked back at the trio and found that a tall man was standing quite close to the group of three and just watching the women with an amused indulgent grin. He looked pleased with his lot in life. Hardly surprising, Douglas thought, given the man had a beautiful wife, a lovely child and another on the way.

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