| The Destruction Begins |

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"WHO THE HELL DOES HE THINK HE IS,THAT HYAKUYA YUUICHIRO!" Mitsuba's echoes throughout the whole women's bathrooms and disrupting with my peacefulness of enjoying my cold and quiet shower time.

"Ignoring orders and taking independent action! How did he make it into the Moon Demon Squad in the first place!? I CAN'T ACCEPT THIS!"

"Seriously,Mistuba.If you plan on ranting and complaining 'Yuuichiro this,Yuuichiro that' you might ended up liking him," I chided out loud rather bluntly to the girl on the other side of the shower running with only curtains separating our spaces.

The moment the cold water poured over me,the freshness brings me my calmness back and i truly felt mostly clean from all the sweats and dirt earlier.

"AS IF! Don't make me laugh!" I heard Mitsuba yelled out again.

"Do you hate him that much?" This time it's Shinoa's voice that rang,sensing her smirking face even though i didn't see it right now.

"Shinoa! What are you doing in here!?"

"Just wanted to see your angry face~"

There they're at it again, i mentally face-palmed. Let's just hope no fight occur in the bathroom.

"I hate him-putting his companions' lives on the lines just like that!" she argued,

But there is a seconds of silence passed by before Shinoa speaks up again,

"It's just like looking at yourself a few years ago,isn't it?"

Now this perks up my interest to keep on listening attentively at the two of them.

Mitsuba stayed quiet and i assume that Shinoa had hit her right in the button.

"How many times will i have to tell you that it wasn't your fault?"

Another pregnant of silence passed by-with Mistuba probably reminiscing the Past that had happened to her.And judging by the way Shinoa talked and the things they argued;Mitsuba might be the same as Yuuichiro back then.

My gaze softened, my eyes dozing off onto the water pooling around me and eventually gurgled down into the small sewer hole.

"There was nothing you could do,it's not like the entire team was destroyed just because you stepped out of formation,"

I knew it.


"If you have something to say,say it,Arisa." Mitsuba interjected me.

I heave out a heavy sigh and instead,i slide the curtain on our border open catching her quite a surprise look,

"What are you--?"


The sound of my palm came in contact across her face echoes lightly throughout the shower running around us.

"Ukh--why you--"

"I'm sorry for that but at the same time,i'm not," I starts off,

"I might not know who you really are or what tragedy happened to you in the past but it is as what Shinoa said,it's not your fault."

Her purple orbs glared at me; "Don't talk as if you know me."

"Everybody made mistakes,Mistuba-but that's what makes us humans.People died in this devastated world,losing someone you hold dear--"

 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐯𝐞𝐧 𝐝𝐨𝐞𝐬𝐧'𝐭 𝐤𝐧𝐨𝐰 | 𝐨𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐢 𝐧𝐨 𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐩𝐡Where stories live. Discover now