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Crap! I need to find a way to fix this. Pouring Calum's blue paint that-was-supposed-to-be-covering-his-walls out the window was not a mistake; but pouring it right on top of Emma was. Calum's mum, Joyce, was forcing Calum to paint his bedroom wall blue; but he really likes his green walls, so he told Joyce that I was coming over to "help" him, but he dared me to throw all the paint out the window, so I could take the blame; and his mum wont be able to punish me. Which is a very smart and a devilish idea, which I like.

But looking at Emma covered from top-to-bottom with the nasty blue paint while her so-called-friends made fun of her actually hurt me. I was so shocked that I was just staring at her with a shocked and sorry look on my face. I didn't even apologize. I didn't even have the balls to say anything. I was, and still am petrified, you don't know what Emma Lovelis can do; She is like, the punkest of punks in her punk-y gang. I bet she even has a gun, to be honest. I did see the boots that were covered from top to bottom with spikes, on the floor when I went to her room that day. That shoe is probably lethal, and it can murder one in many, many ways. 

I was shaking the whole day, I know I was acting like a pussy from being petrified of a girl; but I didn't want to face her when school began. No way am I seeing her in school; I know she is one of the nicest and most kindest people in the world; but she is the best at pranking people, at racing people, at fighting them, and she is the best with fucking people up who mess with her or her gang; and I am not ready to die.

I kept looking out the window every three seconds, until the group of punk teenagers left -without Emma-. She knew I was here, she can come up to me and slice me into pieces right here and now, and I feel like i'm just waiting for my own death if I stay here any longer. Calum doesn't understand why I am shaking of fear; he'll never understand. He's smooth with the ladies and he is the complete opposite of clumsy. He never felt the hurt and fear of hurting -or worse, embarrassing- your crush, especially if your crush is the most baddest people in the ... neighborhood.

Once the sun set, I ran home. And that is the reason why I skipped school for a week. Well,  the firs two days I acted really really sick to my mum and told her I think I broke my wrist; then I pretended to be walking to school, but I take a turn and head to Ashton's house.

I knew I can't keep this going. I know that this Monday, I am going to have to go to school and probably be eaten alive by her gang. But I also know that I might be a little teeny weeny bit over reacting.


aw poor baby mike is over reacting :'(

Other than that, I hope you have enjoyed this chapter, Vote, comment, and share. <3 Thank you

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