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Just to tell y'all a little about me my name is Ariel I'm 17 I go to Thomas Jefferson high school. I have a big brother he 20 and in college his name is Joseph but I call him Joey. I have to best friends they been my friends sense the middle school days jamesha and amarianna I love them girls if it wasn't for them I wouldn't had got through my last relationship with my ex boyfriend kameron I know y'all don't know him but as y'all read on y'all get to know him and know what he is about. I haven't dated a boy sense I was 15 and I plan on keeping it that way yeah boys tell me I look good and try to talk to me but I don't have time to have my heart stomped on and crushed again not going to happen. That's why this my saying is fuck love what is love?

~ Jamesha ~
Hey y'all you don't know but I want y'all to know I'm the baddest bitch my name is jamesha. I'm 17 going on 18 yes my birthday next month turn up but let me get a couple things clear my best friend is Ariel and amarianna and y'all better not Fuck with them you got a problem with them you have one with me as well so don't mess with them. But I'm more concerned about my bestie Ariel she got her heart broken by this boy named kameron when we was 15 and now she want give any boys any time of day but at the same time I don't want her heart getting crushed.

For starters my name is amarianna I'm 16 don't judge my age I'm almost 17 so get there. I go to Thomas Jefferson high school my mains are Ariel and jamesha. I love them girls they my everything so if anyone fucking with them I have no problem laying these hands on them I don't play about my mains. I have a boyfriend Chris we been dating for two years that's my baby right there. But I wish Ariel would open up to boys a little more I understand she had her heart ripped out and stomped on but come on that was two years ago and not every boy the same got give other boys a chance. But yeah that's about it about me.

How y'all like the intro?

Do you think jamesha and amarianna are right about Ariel?

Will Ariel let another boy into her heart?

Do y'all think jamesha and amarianna just don't know how it feels to be hurt because they didn't have to go through what Ariel had to go through?

Will Ariel find that right boy?

Do y'all blame Ariel for not wanting to get into a relationship?

Should Ariel let what happened between her and kameron go and move on?

Are amarianna and jamesha good best friends?

What really happened between kameron and Ariel?

Why did Ariel and kameron break up?

Keep reading

And love always


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