Pt. 1

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You jumped off the bus and ran down the street, going as fast as you could. You were so going to be late.

When you reached an intersection, the light turned red. You looked down the street. No cars were coming. You took a deep breath and ran across, but you dropped your bag halfway across the street. It opened up, spilling all your belongings onto the pavement. You cursed. Bad luck followed me everywhere, didn't it?

Picking everything up as fast as you could, you didn't even notice the car headed straight towards you. In fact, you didn't even notice anything was wrong until you felt a pair of hands push you in the back and heard a loud thump. You fell forward, scraping your hands on the street.

Oh crap.

When you turned around, you saw a boy lying on the ground. Bad luck really does surround you, doesn't it? You sat frozen in shock for a moment. Everything had happened really quickly.

I need to call for help.

Your hand shook as you pulled my cellphone out of your pocket. You could barely dial 119, but somehow, you managed to.

When you heard the phone pick up, you took a breath, "Someone's been hit by a car." You said in a shaky voice.


You sat quietly by the hospital bed. Luckily the injury wasn't fatal or life changing, but it was enough to keep the boy in bed for a week. However, he hadn't woken up yet. You held back tears. No crying. Crying is ugly. Even so, this was all my fault, wasn't it? You were okay with your bad luck if it only affected yourself, but you hated it when other people got involved.

You looked closely at his face. He was really good-looking but a bit on the skinny side. Why would he do something like that for you? He must be a really good natured person.

The world needs more of those. So please wake up.

As if he had heard your thoughts, his eyelids fluttered, and he opened his eyes. As soon as he made eye contact with you, your words flowed out.

"OhmygoshI'msosorrythisisallmyfaultyou'rereallyhurthowcanImakeituptoyouI'msorryI'msorry." You bowed to him multiple times.

However, he just laughed. "It's okay."

How can he be laughing?

You bit your lip and shook your head silently, looking down. Now you felt even worse.

He looked at me and must have thought you were crying. "It's okay. It's okay. There is hope in everything!" He patted you on the head with a goofy smile.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. What can I do for you?" You said, bowing multiple times.

"Well... I actually need to borrow a cellphone." He said with another laugh. "I left mine at the dormitory, and I need to contact my friends."

You pulled out your cellphone immediately and handed it to him.

He gave you another smile. "Thanks, ah, I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Jung Hoseok. Nice to meet you!"

"I'm (L/N) (F/N)."

"That's a cute name," Hoseok-ssi said with a smile. You soon found yourself smiling back.

He has an infectious smile, and he uses it a lot. If I was in his place, would I be able to smile that much? Probably not. That's really admirable.

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