Insane thoughts...

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Ta da!!!! Double update! Can I get a woop from the crowd...*cricket noises* pffft I said I was sorry for missing my update deadline... *digs in bag* who wants some pop corn for this chapter?

I jolted awake again, hearing heavy footsteps outside the jail door. I had been trapped inside this room for nearly a week, everyday someone would come into the room and inflict some sort of pain onto me. I missed Lucifer. I never thought I would say that, but I did. I missed his stubbornness, his kiss, his charm... I missed him as a whole. I wondered if he missed me, was he looking for me or didn't he care?

A woman walked into the damp jail, a sinister smile on her face. She was dressed in white, blonde hair tied up in a messy bun on top  of her head. She had the greenest eyes possible, but we're filled with so much hate, I had to look away. "If you so much as whimper in pain, Michael gave me permission to make your life even more miserable than it already is," I stared challenging into her hate filled eyes.

" Looks like your Michaels newest member of the evil, "I'm gunna kill Sapphire and hurt Lucifer cause I can," club, how does it feel to be a first class ass?" I asked sincerely, making sure to smile at her shocked face.

"Oh, I see how it is, you're really good at appearing brave, but trust me, when we're finished with you, you won't even recognise yourself!" She had walked over to the chair I was tied too, leaning on the back, her face inches away from mine.

"Oh goodie, a makeover, but please let it be someone else applying the make up, it seems you my dear, only have a little face on your make up... what's under that make up anyway a wrinkly, spotty..." ( A/n: No offence to people who wear makeup, I wanted Sapphire to appear sarcastic and bitchy towards the girl. no hate please.)

*Slap* my neck snapped to the side painfully, a burning sensation on the right side of my face, telling me I had hit a nerve. I looked at the girl in defiance, showing her no pain or fear.

"You know what, your a b!tch!" She whispered in my ear menacingly.

"Why thank you, I've been told I'm first class in that area," if I had been stood up I'd have taken a bow, but unfortunately I was tied to a chair.

The girl stormed out the room leaving me to the silence, slowly driving myself crazy.

Nobody would ever know what had taken place over the week I had been trapped, some would say I'd gone crazy and to me right this moment, I'd smile like a Cheshire Cat... Honestly though I think the lack of blood and the constant torture, lack of sleep and lack of life, well let's just say... I've lost all hope of being rescued and well, it was quiet funny to be a b!tch to these people.


Lucifer POV:

She disappeared... my beautiful mate had disappeared. Was she alive or was she dead.  I ran a hand through my black hair roughly. It had been nearly a full week! The last I saw of her, she was dead on the ballroom floor, but had somehow came back. One of my spies had spotted her in the human realm, but how she got there I had no clue. She was a surprising creature, I loved that about her.

I had gone to retrieve her and bring her back, but she had once again disappeared. I was sat on my throne, anger coursing it's way through my body, I clenched my fists. I stood up from my throne, walking towards the cave wall, it's dark shiny surface reflecting my red angry eyes taunting me. I threw a punch feeling the wall shift, feeling some anger slip away.  I began planting punch after punch into the wall. The cave wall crumbling from the attack, I let out an ear piercing roar. My head filled with sadness and pain.

Everyday, a different sort of pain would rack through my body, this time my face burned as though I'd been hit. I knew why I felt this, it was my mate bound. What made me even angrier was that I knew the pain was being inflicted upon Sapphire. I had to find her.

I'd had so many people out looking for her, I'd search the whole of the human world. My spies in heaven had yet to report to me. My gut told me she was there, as soon as my thoughts were clarified I'd bring hell to the heavens above! I sank to the floor in despair, surrounded by debris.

A few hours later I was sat on my horse nightmare, down by the pit making sure the evil in the world was punished. There were so many innocent looking people down here, but I could tell by their eyes that they were far from it.

Nightmare let out a frustrated neigh and stamped his hooves on the stone floor in annoyance. I looked down at the hooded figure who stood daringly in front of my horse.

"Lucifer, you have to save her. She is in so much danger! You have to go to her before she becomes insane!" The voice called up to me, I froze in horror.

"Please Lucifer, Michael has her locked in heavens dungeons! You have to hurry." Before I could ask who this person was, they disappeared. I stared for a few moments at were they were standing, letting the new pieces of information sink in.

Slowly I planned her rescue. I pulled on nightmares reigns, pulling him back around and galloped at an unnatural speed towards the stairs to heaven. My hair falling in my face, my black cloak flowing around me, making me appear menacing. Nightmares mane whipping against his body, fire escaping his nostrils. The people shifted out of my way, knowing I was the devil. Intimidated by the overly large horse coming towards them, and the anger filled fallen angel upon the horses back. Heaven help Michael, cause I was bringing hells fury to it's gates....

Thank you for reading! 😀  I love all my readers, I can't believe how many votes and reads I've got! Thank you so much 😉 I love reading your comments about the story.

What do you think Lucifer will do when he finds Sapphire?

Will sapphire go insane before Lucifer gets to her?

What will Lucifer do to Michael?

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