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The Demon that was summoned by Lucifer dragged me aggressively through multiple corridors, "hey ass hat, care to loosen the grip, I'm not gunna run!" I tried to shrug it off, he grunted but his grip on my arm never loosened. Finally, after walking down the darkest creepiest corridor EVER we reached a set of double doors; they had been varnished to be a clear white colour. The demon opened the door and threw me into the room, I was about to protest, but when I looked back the demon had vanished. Strange. I wonder if Lucifer summoned him back. What I did know was I had a mini heart attack as the doors slammed shut on their own.

Just when I thought my situation couldn't get any worse, that happened leaving me in utter darkness. I spun in a slow circle before deciding to look for a light switch. Holding my arms out to steady myself, I began making my way to the wall. Tripping, I ended up basically giving the wall a hug. I sighed and started searching for the switch. You'd think the devil would have one of those clappy lights, the ones were you clap and the lights turn on, but no he had one of those freaking light switches. I continued to look for another minute until I felt a switch beneath my fingertips, pressing down the light flickered on.

I took in a deep breath whilst looking at the room I had been placed into. It had blood red walls and a golden boarder, making the room feel elegant and sophisticated. In the centre of the room stood a golden queen sized bed covered in red satin sheets. There was a black wardrobe in the right corner and a black dresser in the left. The room had a golden chandelier hanging down from the centre, making the golden borders and bed sparkle magically, it was totally the opposite of what I expected from the devil! The room was majestic and astonishing. Lucifer had taste, that's for sure. I released the breath I had held and walked towards the bed.

I moved across to the centre of the room and carefully sat down on the right side of the bed. Sitting on the bed made me feel like I was sitting on top of a cloud, the mattress was soft and comfortable and I found myself sinking in further. Tying my black hair into a loose ponytail, I closed my eyes. I made myself comfortable, wriggling about till I found a comfortable spot and fell asleep.

Lucifer's POV:


I was filing some papers in my office, about a demon trying to escape hell, when a familiar tingling feeling overtook my body. In a trance like state I stood up, opened my door and found myself sitting on top of my horse. I pulled my cloak over my face and whispered in my ancient language for the horse to take me to the culprit. It happened every so often; a human would speak my name and suffer the consequences.

My horse 'Nightmare' galloped at full speed to the devils pit. The pulling sensation got stronger as I saw two girls talking in the distance. I immediately knew which one it was. The girl with black hair, she was a little thing compared to the women next to her. As if she sensed my presence she turned round, her eyes blocked by pieces of her hair. Her face was angelic and perfect, shaking my head out of the beauty that stood before me, I saw her friend run to the edge and shout a Geronimo before she disappeared forever. Humans were a funny creation, when scared they ran away. The fight or flight instinct took over. Now that woman would miss seeing my sexy self. Shame.

Jumping off the horses back I landed easily on the floor and walked over to the girl, she was staring at me with a familiar gaze. I felt her gaze burn into my soul. Funny, no human had ever had that effect on me before.

Approaching the girl I lifted my hood off my head, it always came off slowly and I almost immediately had an effect on the girl, her blush gave away her attraction and I smiled to myself. She let out a small gasp taking in my beauty, I'm not one of those guys that crave compliments for their physic or their looks, and I knew how I looked so it was normal.

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