"Not necessarily. I mean, he doesn't wanna tell me he's fucking around. So he doesn't need to know what I'm doing either."

I sighed. "I really hope you know what you're doing." I said in a concerned voice.

"I do." She snapped. She hated when I questioned anything about her motives. I can't help that I'm concerned about my sister. 

"Kay, I'm just w--"

"Don't be, it's none of your concern." She cut me off.

"Okay, what about this?" Jaden asked.

"I gotta go," She told me, hanging up before I got a chance to reply.


Jacobs POV

That Afternoon



I was pacing back and forth across the bedroom when Kay'Lani came in.

"Where the hell have you been?" I asked her.

"What?" She said taking out her headphones.

"I asked where the hell you were!" I repeated.

"I was out," She replied simply.

"All night? You didn't even come home or answer any of my calls."

"I had a place to stay, plus I was pissed at you." She said laying down on the bed.

"Pissed at me? For what?"

"Doesn't matter any more, I blew some steam." She said smirking.

"Is this cause I wouldn't fuck you the other night? Geez Kay, I hope you went for a sip of water." 

"Nope, but you wanna know what I just realized?"

"What?" I said rolling my eyes.

"We, aren't technically together." She said laughing.

"Huh?" I asked.

"Aww, you No comprehende? Nosotros, no son técnicamente juntos." She said.

"I heard you, I'm just not sure what you're trying to say."

"Well, we aren't boyfriend and girlfriend. We're just engaged because of our parents. It's not like either of us ever asked the other out, or really even been on a real date for that matter. So, you know, you don't have to treat me like your bitch." She stood up. "You can fuck whoever you like okay? It doesn't really matter."

Does she know? No, Of course not. I've been careful. That could only mean she's fucking behind MY back!

"Are you fucking Chresanto?" I yelled in her face.

"What? NO!" She yelled back.

"You're lying! You hesitated!" 

"And you my friend, are paranoid." She said walking away like we were finished talking. 

I grabbed her arm and pulled her back to me. "Of all people, You gonna fuck my best friend?!"

"Jacob, this is stupid. Let me go." She said sighing and rolling her eyes.

"So it's true?"

"No Jacob, and let go of my arm, that hurts."

"Shut up, nasty ho." I yelled pushing her down onto the bed forcefully.

"What the hell Jacob?" She asked, I raised my hand. "You're gonna hit me huh? Do it!"

I stared at her. What the fuck am I doing? 'You have to make her hate you,' A voice told me. 'By all means, do what you gotta do.'

"Ha, you don't have the ba--" I slapped her and she fell back. I climbed on top of her. "What now? You gonna rape me too?"

I paused. Oh no, what have I done?

I got off her. She stood up and began walking out, but not before turning and telling me something that I've been wanting to hear, but regret making her say.

" I fucking hate you man,"


Kay'Lani's POV


"Kay?" Sydni said, answering Craig's door. I stepped in quickly and closed the door behind me. I felt like I was just gonna burst into tears. What kind of maniac am I marrying?

"Kay, what happened to your face?" She asked. I broke down into tears. She pulled me into a tight hug and I saw Craig stand up from the bed.

"I'll be outside." He said stepping out.

"Babe, what's wrong? Did Jaden d--"

"It was Jacob," I said cutting her off.

"Jacob?" She asked shocked. I pulled away from her grasp and wiped some tears. Ugh, I hate crying. Makes me seem weak.



"Well, I went home about 30 minutes ago and when I got there he went all physco fiance on my ass. He accused me of sleeping with Chresanto, and he grabbed my wrist. When I told him I didn't, he suggested I was lying and pushed me down on the bed then slapped me. That's when I told him I hate him and came here." I explained wiping the last of my tears.

"Oh hell no," She said, pulling her hair up. " Owee let me get to this motherfucker," She said starting to the door.

"No Sydni," I said pulling her back and sighing. "He's no longer worth it. I don't care anymore. Just let it go." She rolled her eyes.

"Come on man, he can't get away with this shit."

"He can if I let him Syd. Just let it be. It would just all make shit worst." I told her. "I'm sorry for intruding. And snapping earlier. You know me. Mrs. Bipolar."

She sighed as well and we both sat on the couch.


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