Convenience Store Hookups

Start from the beginning

"I guess we'll have to change that." He says and all of the sudden his hands are moving rapidly on my sides and ribs, making me gasp for breathe as he tickles me. I wriggle against him, trying to get free. His hands move to my knees and my stomach starts to hurt from laughing. I'm sure everyone in the car is looking at us now, and I would have probably panicked if my attention wasn't being distracted by something else. I try to grab his hands away but they're too strong. Hmm, his hands feel nice against mine.

"Let-me-breathe!" I say through gasp of breathe and laughter. He just keeps tickling me. What a monster.

"Fine I like your muscles okay!" I shout and the tickling stops. I blush as everyone looks at us. Carmen and Pinky both wear satisfied grins and Jordan and Beau start laughing. I turn around and punch Brad in the arm. It doesn't seem to faze him. I cross my arms and turn around, ignoring Brad.

We pull into a driveway and everyone starts to pile out. I try to get out but Brad just throws me over his shoulder. I'm not a sack of potatoes! Though I do like baked potatoes. Especially from steak houses. Yum. I should not of thought of that. Now I'm hungry.

I feel him slid my phone back into my pocket, taking way longer than necessary. I grow restless just sitting there on top of his shoulders. I drum my fingers on his back, causing him to shiver. I laugh and drum harder. Finally he drops me onto a short sofa in Pinky's basement. I don't think her parents are home, and the way everybody is acting makes it seem like they're not home most of the time. I spread across it, leaving no room for Brad. He smirks than sits right on top of my lap.

"Get off me! I. Can't. Breathe." I try to push him off. He stands up, then lifts my feet up and sits under them. He teasingly glares at me. I stick my tongue out.

"Was that a fat joke?" He asks. I nod and smirk.

"You should probably loose some weight. You're looking a little husky." I tease. His hand starts inching up my leg towards my knee. I quickly sit up and put my feet and the floor. I will not let him tickle me again. It's right about that moment that my stomach decides to make dying whale noises. Hush stomach, it isn't your turn to speak. I cover my stomach and blush. Everyone laughs.

"Is anyone else hungry?" Pinky asks. Everyone nods, so she goes upstairs to get chips. Yay, food. But I don't want to eat too much or I'll seem like a fatty. Which I am, but that's not the point. I lay back down and rest my feet on Brad's lap. My fingers start to drum on their own accord, but at least it isn't my leg tapping this time. Pinky comes back downstairs with a couple bags of chips and places them on the counter. I grab a handful and set out to eat them as slow as possible. I concentrate on eating so I don't feel restless. Maybe I need to get my medication upped. That's gonna suck.

"Hey Daisy, if I ask you a question, will you get offended?" Pinky asks me suddenly. I think of how to reply.

"I don't really get offended or really mad easy, so go ahead." I respond. She pauses for a moment, probably thinking how to word it, and dread fills my stomach. What the heck is she going to ask me?

"Why do you always have to be moving? I really don't mean that offensively. You don't have to answer it if you don't want to." She says quickly. I let out a sigh of relief. I thought it was going to be something way worse.

"I have-" I pause before saying ADHD. What if they think I'm too weird or hyper or something? They're all perfectly normal. I can't go through why I did before. That was another part of the reason why we moved here, and my parents can't afford to move again. I feel inner turmoil as I carefully think of words to say.

"I'm just ,uh, restless I guess." I respond, unsure. She nods but there is doubt in her eyes. I focus on not moving except to eat as everyone tells me funny memories and embarrassing stories of each other, to make me feel like I'm now part of their group I guess. I forget about the question, and so does she as far as I can tell. Somehow during the course of the conversations I had been flipped so my head rested on Brad's leg. He pets my hair and I swear I'm in heaven. My social anxiety has completely disappeared around them by now.

"Why don't the guys pick out a scary movie while the girls go on a snack run?" Carmen suggests. Everyone agrees. I run outside and jump in the passenger seat before Carmen has a chance too. She jokingly grumbles as she gets in the backseat.

"Carmen, it's your turn this time." Pinky says. I give them both confused looks but no one explains. I relax in the seat. I stare up at the stars as the wind whips in my hair, and I finally feel really at home. It's like the stars are all the endless possibilities, and I could just reach out and grab one. Pinky puts her phone on the auxiliary card and starts playing Imagine Dragons. It's like a sign that this is where I'm meant to be. Carmen stands up in on the backseat and starts singing. I join her and Pinky just laughs at us. I start singing along at the top of my lungs. Our voices echo in the night.

I jump out of the car at the gas station, feeling exhilarated. Pinky just shakes her head slightly. We walk into the gas station, where a guy just a little bit older than us is working the register. Carmen grins and winks at him when we pass by. He blushes and looks down at the register.

"Thank the good Lord that it isn't an old man this time." Carmen says once we get to the snack isle. I ignore the weird comment, knowing I'll find out eventually. I feel bad and only grab some small things since they offered to pay, but they encourage me to grab more.

"We aren't paying with money, hun."

We walk to the counter and Carmen pushes her cleavage out, very blantantly flirting. I see what the strange comments mean now. I know I should mind, but I don't really. I can't be bothered to care tonight. In fact, it strikes me as rather funny.

"I was thinking that maybe I could pay with something other than money, if you know what I mean." Carmen says with a wink. The cashier gulps loudly. She grabs his collar and drags him forward. She places his hands on her chest and starts to noisily kiss him, really playing it up. Pinky and I quietly grab the stuff and walk out the door while he is distracted. Carmen comes out a few minutes later, a sly grin on her face.

"I didn't even have to lift my shirt this time. This guy is too easy. He even gave me his number!" She says. We all start laughing hysterically, knowing she won't ever call him. We speed away and make it back to the house. We carry all the stuff down to the basement, where all the guys are waiting with a movie picked out.

"I have to warn you guys, I probably will scream." I say as I flop down next to Brad.

"I wouldn't mind that." Jordan says with a wink. I roll my eyes and grab a chip and throw it at him. He catches it in his mouth and smiles. Carmen was right in the beginning about them.

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