Chapter 14 - Gut Feeling

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The clock on the wall had struck 10pm and I knew the ball was finished. Lily would be going back to Jasmine's house where she would go straight to sleep, hopefully. Jack and I were snuggled up on the couch watching a movie. The movie wasn't important at this point, we were both so tense at the thought of Lily staying somewhere else tonight, not to mention her nightmares and how she was going to deal with it. I sighed deeply for the hundredth time thinking about Lily staying away from me and sat up sulking at my little girl being away from me.

"I'm sure she'll be alright." Jack said with little confidence. He reached to pull me back to him but I stood up not wanting to be cuddled right now.

"Will she Jack? I have this gut feeling something bad is going to happen, I just know it." I said while I started pacing the room.

"Cameron, calm down you're going to get yourself worked up. Look, she will probably be leaving the Ball now and will be at Jasmine's place having a cup of hot chocolate before bed. I'm sure Jasmine's parents will take good care of a police woman's daughter." He laughed slightly trying to lighten up the mood. I knew he was trying to convince himself also. "Why don't we go to bed and have our phones on loud?"

I sighed in defeat and nodded my head. He was right, stressing out wouldn't do Jack or I any good, it would be much better if we just stayed positive.

Always trust your instincts.

I had woken up to the sound of my ring tone blaring loudly on my bed side table. My clock read 2.34am and I groaned inwardly. Who would be calling this early in the morning. The number was private but I pick it up anyway.

"Hello?" I said a groggy voice.

"Hello, Cameron, its me Ethan." I looked back at my phone and saw that it was a private number.

"Why are you calling me at 2.30 in the morning?" I grumbled.

He sighed deeply before speaking. "Its Lily." At the mention of her name I sat up urgently, I knew something was wrong. "Her Ball partner, Zach, brought her in a couple of minutes ago. She was at an after ball party at Jasmine's house and she drank too much alcohol. We've had to pump her stomach, Cam. Its best if you get here now." I've never heard Ethan sound so conflicted in my life. Like he wanted to tell me but wanted to protect Lily from the impending telling off. I processed everything quickly before rushing to get up.

"I'm coming now." I said hurriedly before hanging up. I shook Jack awake and he looked at me through sleepy eyes. "Its Lily she's in hospital." His eyes went wide and he too stood up hurriedly putting on clothes.

The car ride to the hospital was quick and filled with immense tension. I didn't know what to think or feel. I felt angry, scared, worried and pissed off all at the same time. I wanted to kill her and hug her at the same time. I just wanted to see my little girl.

We arrived at emergency before being allowed in without any questions as the receptionist knew Jack. She looked at Jack a few seconds too long and I sent her a death stare. I was feeling hyper protective right now and I was not in the mood for someone staring at my man for longer than necessary.

"Ethan!" I said as he was walking up the hall. He turned around slowly and nodded in my direction before coming and giving me an unwanted hug. I realised that he was the one who wanted to be comforted.

"She's in cubical 3. She's lucky Zach brought her in when he did else this could have been a much different meeting. Don't get mad at Zach, he watched her the whole night trying to stop her from drinking. She's stable but we're keeping a close eye on her." Ethan stepped forward and wiped my tears I didn't realise had fallen. I threw my arms around him wanting to be comforted and reminded that she was going to be okay. He held me closer and rubbed his hand up and down my back.

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