"I've been looking for you everywhere. We have to get out of here." Alex said looking at me. I shook my head before I started looking at the monitors of cameras that surrounded the school.

"I tried to tell her that." Tyler said rolling his eyes.

"Try the subs." I heard Jerry say coming next to me. Finally someone helping me. I switched to the cameras in the subs and low and behold Mr. Greyson was in the library in sub-level 2. Jerry and I ran out of the room before Tyler and Alex could even realize what we were doing. We kept running until we got to the elevator that took us down to the subs. We got in, gave our blood sample and headed down. Once the doors opened we ran to the room where we saw that Mr. Greyson was. As we stepped into the library, there were multiple bombs lined up in the middle of the room.

"I knew you'd come looking for me. I was hoping that you wouldn't.

"Mr. Greyson, you can't do this. You have to stop what you're doing." I begged.

"Please. You don't want to kill yourself. You don't want to kill us." Jerry added shaking his head.

"Of course I don't want to kill you guys. You guys are so important to me. You became much more than just a mission to me. I care for you guys." Mr. Greyson said sincerely.

"Then please stop. What are you going to get out of destroying the school?" I asked as tears pricked my eyes.

"I won't have to watch anymore innocents souls be lost to this world. I won't have to watch the world turn to shit because this place keeps producing spies. I'm not just blowing up this place, but I have someone in every spy school in the entire world ready to blow the place to bits." Mr. Greyson replied seriously.

"You can't do that! You can't do that. Those are some people's homes. These school are those kids' entire world. Please Mr. Greyson you can't do this. Please stop!" Jerry yelled at him.

"This school saved us!" I added.

"Saved you? Are you kidding me? This school ruined you. It literally ruined you. You came in innocent. You came in untouched by the world. You came in with a light in your eyes. Where did that light go? It left when you had to watch what being in this world does to people. You had to watch the destruction and the pain and the heartache. This world. This school ruined you." He spat back at us.

"You caused some of that destruction!" Jerry yelled angrily.

"And this is me trying to make it better. This is me trying to give you a way out. This is your way out. I'm saving you. You two have the purest souls I have ever come across. I don't want to see them become tainted because of this world. You've both slipped into a deep depression because of this world. You've both killed, tortured, and lost hope. You've sunk into a black hole. A black hole that I'm trying to get you out of. I need to save you. You can't see it now, but I am trying to save you." Mr. Greyson said as tears filled my eyes.

"Ela! Jerry! We need to get out of here." I heard Tyler say behind me.

"Mr. Greyson please don't do this!" I whispered. "I don't want to see you die. You're not protecting us this way. You're only bringing us more pain. Please." I said as tears fell down my cheek.

"You don't want it to end like this, Mr. Greyson. Everything you worked for. Everything that led up to this moment. Don't let it end like this. Not like this." Jerry said shaking my head.

"This is the only way it can end. I'm sorry it had to come to this. I've only wanted the best for you guys. All of you guys. I guess I've failed everyone I've loved." Mr. Greyson said shaking his head before looking at his sons, though Alex is not biologically his son, Mr. Greyson loved him like a son. "Get them out of here. You have 5 minutes." Tyler and Alex nodded. Alex picked me up and threw me over his should while Tyler grabbed Jerry's arm.

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