You belong with me

Start from the beginning

"Why ARE you here Em?" He asked bluntly, looking straight forward instead of right at me. 

"I had to see for myself..." I said, scanning his body once more. Harry took all of his aggression out on the boy I once loved. Now, I was empty... Not knowing what LOVE truly is anymore. Love definately doesn't leave you alone for almost two months straight. Love doesn't tell you that you look a mess... Love doesn't cheat on you, breaking your heart in millions of pieces... and love for sure as hell doesn't beat you to the point where you wish death enveloped you as quickly as possible. 

"Well now you've seen it." he began choking, coughing loudly. I stood up, grabbing the pitcher of water that was placed at a nearby table. Slowly pouring some of the water into a cup, I stuck a straw into the container. Walking towards Brandon, I inched the straw towards his mouth. Looking up at me, he slowly sucked on the thin plastic. When done, he tilted his head back, away from the straw. I placed the cup next to night stand. 

"Why did you do it?" I bluntly asked. This WAS the main reason I came here. I knew that he couldn't stand properly, which meant, he couldn't hit me. Giving me the chance to ask any and every question I wanted. 

"She brought excitement." He voiced, still trying to clear his throat. 

"And I didn't?" I whispered. He sat there for a while. Silentlly answering me. "Did you love me?" I choked out, trying not to show the tears that were threatening the pool at the corners of my eyes. I dropped my head, holding it in my hands as my elbows supported on my knees. 

"I still DO love you Emily." I raised my head, trying to see from his expression, if I had heard correctly. I had. His head was faced forward, but his eyes were turned towards me. I sat there in silence, the room feeling alot smaller than it was. He took a deep breath before continuing, "I was stupid... for everything... I should never had layed a hand on you."

"Brandon, I-"

"Come back home Emily. We can fix this together." he whispered, his eyes looking genuinely sorry. There, on the hospital bed, was the old Brandon. His eyes sparkling under the lamp above him.

This was the Brandon from back home. The boy who hugged me when I would run to him crying. The boy that kissed me under the porch light on our first date. The boy whose car got stuck in the mud one rainy night, leaving us to get to know eachother better, as we waited out the storm. The boy who gave me the chance to broaden my education... he saved me once. Now... I feared him. 

"Where have you been staying?" His voice cracking. I wasn't sure if it was cracking from emotions, or if Harry had somehow injured his wind pipe. 

"Niall opened his home for me... he was the one I called when I... ran." I confessed, looking at the machine that measured his heart rate. The number jolted up as I spoke of one of the boys. Going back to normal, he spoke up. 

"I thought you'd be with Harry." he looked away from me, disgusted. 

"He wants me to move with him and Louis... it's alot safer for me."

"Safety," he scoffed, "Look at me Emily... You don't think that the moment you get him pissed off he's not gonna do THIS shit to you?" 

"He's not like you Brandon... he wouldn't hurt me." I shook my head violentlly. He was angering me, speaking about Harry like this.

"He is WORSE than I am Emily! open your eyes! look at what he's done to me damnit!" He yelled. The sudden increase in his volume making me jump. 

"Th-Th-There was a re-reason he gav-ve you that." I began stuttering, indicating that I was scared. 

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