CBTBB - Chapter 21 - Taylor

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A little hanky panky

I felt very frustrated as I am buried deep under the covers with a fever on the day when Greg had told me I was to have dinner at his house. Meredith had called Zach and cancelled my dinner date. "Don't worry Ragazzo" she pushes back some hair that stubbornly flops back as soon she pushes it back. "I called Zach and told him you were in bed with a high fever. He said that it wasn't a big problem; your dinner can be rescheduled."

Lifting the quilt up to my stuffed nose, I groan and turn on my side. "I was looking forward to it." I mumble weakly. And it was true, since Greg told me when his dads expected me; I have been a bundle of nerves. So much so I think that it made me sick, at least I think so. I hear Meredith sigh before I feel my bed bounce back as she leaves me to my devices.

To me it was only moments later when a soothing cold hand was pressed against my overheated skin. I let out a sigh of relief; it felt so good to have that cold hand on my skin. "You are really burning up." The distorted voice sounded vaguely familiar but my clouded mind couldn't place it. Peeking through my lashes, my eyes pop open as Greg and Zach fill my vision.

I cough once, loud and nasty. Like my lung is trying to escape through my throat out my mouth. "Greg" I croak before I am plagued by another bout of hellish coughing. "What are you doing here?" He smiles a little before he holds out a glass of orange juice. He waits patiently until I finish the glass before answering, blushing slightly.

"I asked mom to drop me off here since my car is at the garage, Nance and Rafa are still at home." I blink slowly as he places a bundle of paper on my lap. "I came to drop off your homework."

"Thank you." I still winch as my voice sounds like a grater dearly in need for a good oiling.

Greg smiles as he leans forward and kisses my forehead lightly. "Please get well soon Taylor. I miss you." I find myself nodding eagerly at his words. I miss him too. Zach grins at me from the doorway and waves before he and Greg leave my room. I hear mumbling on the landing before a door opens and closes.

The next Monday I was cleared from the fever, I had the flu. Which was a first, I almost never got sick. "Taylor!" I grunt a little as Greg throws himself at me, making me slam a little into my side of the car. "You are all better!" My arms tighten a little around his waist as he burrowed himself against me. "This means you'll take me to school right?" I chuckled at his all too happy voice. He surprised me with a kiss on the lips.

"Greg!" Nance's voice made Greg pull back and cut the kiss short.

With a snort Greg turned and faced her, "There is no need to sound so scandalised Nance. I have every right you have to kiss my boyfriend." He huffed turning back to face me. "Come on Tay, let's go. Or else we will be late." As in a daze I let go of Greg as he walks to the passenger side, got in and waited on me to go to school.

We are boyfriends!!!

I cheered on the inside once I got in the car. Turning the key, "Are you sure we're boyfriends?" I ask, still a little unsure at what just happened. Greg nodded as I looked disbelieving at him first before it turned into a bright smile. Greg blushed as he leaned forward initiating another kiss.

"We really need to go right now if we want to make the tardy bell." I am pretty sure I broke a few speeds limits to get to school on time. The whole day was like a dream, colours were brighter, and sounds were louder. My eyes always found Greg whenever we were in the same room. Whenever our eyes meet, Greg would blush prettily before returning my smile.

"You really got it bad huh?" My daydream was cut short by Rafa's crud voice. And of course he interrupted at the best part, making me more pissed off. He just grinned as I turned to face him, ready to chew him out because he interrupted me in my happy place. He ducked as I swatted at him chuckling before hiding behind Nance, pleading for her to safe him. Nance just rolled her eyes, ignoring his pleading as she sat down at our lunch table.

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