2.2 - The Plane Ride

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The seats on the cargo plane are pushed up against the walls on either side of the plane. I take a seat next to Alex and belt myself in. As the plane takes off, Alex starts to instruct the soldiers on what to do but I zone out and keep my attention on the cargo plane's floor.

I think about what we are planning to do. Is it necessary to make it so public? Do we have to kill just to win this battle?

The unanswered questions frustrate me.


My attention turns to the person who said my name.



"Are you coming?"

I realise that all the soldiers are making their way into another room of the plane. I don't answer Alex's question, I just get up from the seat and follow him where everybody else is.

All the soldiers are crowded around a big table in the middle of the room.

"Make way." Alex says as he tries to get through the crowd of soldiers to the table.

I grab a chair and stand on top of it. I can see the table clearly over the soldiers.

Alex presses a button on the side of the table and lights appear, glowing from the table. The lights move around for a bit until they start to make an image. There's buildings, towers, apartments forming with 3D shapes from the lights. I then realise it's a map. A map of London.

This 3D map hovers over the table, giving the perfect display for Alex to explain where we will be landing, attacking and taking over.

After a few minutes of explaining the plan, everyone makes their way back to their seats in the main room.

On my way back to my seat I stop at a window to have a glance out. We are just flying over the clouds, it looks so peaceful up here. I continue walking back to my seat. When I get to my seat I rest my head back on the wall of the plane and close my eyes. Everything that is floating around in mind, all my unanswered questions are lost with the thoughts of my dreams.


I awake to a very panicked Alex pulling me out from my chair. I duck and shelter my head with my hands from the sound of gunfire. I look behind me and see the cargo planes ramp door is open. A helicopter is following us, firing at us.

"Jasper, we have to move now!" Alex says.

He pulls me up from the ground and keeps a hold of my shirt as we run into the other room. I stop and look out the same window I looked out before. It is not as peaceful. Another helicopter is beside us, men on the side of the helicopter are firing at the plane.

I turn to Alex.

"What's happening?"

"I presume it's Star Blaze. They must of found out we were coming."

"Where are all the soldiers?"

"They are either dead or they jumped out the plane."

Alex is on a computer in the corner of the room. He is typing quite fast, his fingers are shaking as he does.

"What are you doing?" I ask Alex.

"Deleting files."

The guns have stopped firing at us.

"All done." Alex says and he gets up from the computer.

We cautiously walk back into the other room to see if the helicopter is still there. It's not, something else greets us.

The Beast and my Dad.

"Gentlemen, please come out to the open space." My Dad says.

I notice he has a gun in his hand and The Beast's fists are clenched, ready to hit something.

I stand next to Alex and we are only 20 metres away from my Dad and The Beast.

My palms start to sweat.

My Dad lifts the gun up and fires, hitting Alex in the stomach. Alex falls to the ground, I kneel down trying to assist.

"Stand up boy." My Dad says.

He doesn't even have the guts to say my name.

He turns to The Beast.

"Finish him."

The Beast starts to run at me and I prepare for a fight but he just runs past me. He picks up Alex and drags him 5 metres in front of me. He pulls a spike from his back. The blue spark at the end of it shines in my eyes.

"Don't do it." I say.

The Beast stabs the spike in the back of Alex's neck. The sharp end of the spike sticks out Alex's mouth, still shining blue.

I scream in disgust as The Beast drags the spike down, cutting Alex in half.

He pulls the spike out and Alex's body falls to the ground, what's left of it.

"You next." He says, pulling the spike back preparing to throw it.

He does and it comes straight for my face.


I awake screaming, my whole body is sweating.

"Are you okay?"

I turn and see Alex sitting next to me.

"Was I sleeping?"

I'm unsure if I was dreaming or I'm just dead now.

"Yes, you were out for about an hour."

I look around at the other soldiers and they are either sleeping or reading a book.

"I'm just going to get a glass of water." I say, directing it to Alex but I don't wait for a reply.

There're paper towels next to the sink where I just got water from. I grab them and wipe my sweat off my forehead and arms.

While I'm doing this, the pilot speaks over the speaker.

"Ready yourselves, you'll be jumping in ten minutes."

I walk through to the room where Alex explained the plan and the soldiers are all there, gearing up.

"Here is your parachute, Jasper." Alex says as he hands it to me.

I put it on and make sure it's safely secure around my body. I stand next to Alex and watch as he is loading his guns. Some of the other soldiers are already finished loading their guns and make their way back to the other room.

I tap Alex on the arm when most of the soldiers are done.

"Have you got a spare?" I say, I don't make eye contact with him. I feel scared. Maybe a gun will help me feel safer.

"Are you sure your going to need one?"

"The world has seen enough of the other guy."

"But our mission is to show Star Blaze who we are, everything we got and the other guy will definitely show that."

I open my mouth to talk but I stop when Alex grabs my wrist. He places a hand gun in my palm and I take it in my grasp.

"Don't fall into the fear, Jasper."

I stand at the back of a very pumped up group of soldiers. Some are firing others up, others are just staying quiet, staying focused.

"Cargo ramp opening." The pilot says over the speaker.

"This is for us!" Alex shouts.

He turns around and starts to sprint towards the opening ramp of the cargo plane. Once he is at the edge, he jumps. The soldiers follow.

I take a big deep breath and follow as well.

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