Luke turns himself in and is brought before the Emperor.

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"Luke wait!" Leia called to him but it was too late. Luke was already long gone.

"Lord Vader, this rebel has surrendered to us. A commander said as he escorted Luke in binders to where Lord Vader stood. "Although he denies it I think their might be other rebels in the vicinity and request permission to conduct a further search of the surrounding areas. The rebel was armed with only this ." The commander said handing Vader Luke's light saber.

"Good work commander. Leave us, conduct your search and bring his companions to me. If you locate a rebel with this same weapon bring her to me immediately." Vader ordered.

"Yes Lord Vader." The commander replied with a bow.

"The emperor has been expecting you." Vader said turning towards Luke.

"I know father." Luke replied.

"So you have excepted that I am your father?" Vader questioned.

"I accept that you were once Anakin Skywalker, my father." Luke replied.

"That name no longer has any meaning to me." Vader replied angrily.

"It is the name of your true self you have only forgotten. There is know there is good in you, the Emperor hasn't driven it from you fully. That is why you couldn't destroy me and that is why you won't bring me to the Emperor now." Luke replied confidently.

Vader ponders Luke's words then ignights Luke's saber. "I see you have constructed a new light saber. Your skills are complete. You are indeed powerful as the Emperor has forseen."

"Come with me father." Luke pleads.

"Obi Wan once thought as you do. Pointing at Luke with his finger he replied "You don't know the power of the dark side, I must obey my Master."

"I will not turn to the dark side, you will be forced to kill me." Luke replied.

"If that is your destiny." Vader responded in turn.

"Search your feelings father, you can't do this. I sense the conflict within you. Let go of your hate." Luke pleaded to no prevail.

"It is too late for me son. The Emperor will show you the true power of the force, he is your master now." Vader replied shutting down Luke's lightsaber.

Luke sighed, "then my father is truly dead."

Meanwhile, back at the Ewok camp Catherine was explaining to Leia why Luke had left. "Vader is here on the moon. He can sense Luke's presence. Leia is confused and Catherine goes on to explain "Vader is Luke's father. He feels that as long as he stays he's endangering the mission and us. He wants us to carry on because if he doesn't return we are the only hope for the alliance. I must go after him. I know if I don't he won't return."

"Don't say things like that, You guys have a power that I don't understand, that I don't have and could never have. " Leia replies.

"Your wrong, you have the same power as Luke does. The force is strong in his family, his father has it, he has it and his sister has it. Yes, you are his sister. So now you know why Luke feels like he must face him."

No, I don't understand, why can't he just run away. Run away from it all?" Leia asked not understanding Luke's decision.

"He can't, Luke believes that there is good still inside Vader and I'm inclined to believe him. However, I don't think Luke can help him return to the right path alone. The Emperor's grip on Vader is too strong. He will need the two of us if he is truly ever to return to the side of good. That is why I must go after Luke."

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