6. In which we eat lunch and James comes up with crafty ideas

Start from the beginning

I agreed, and then said, “And Ari, you can stay with us until you’ve got your own apartment, and we can help you move all the baby furniture and everything in.”

We all giggle and grinned, absolutely excited for our flat in London.

Then the boys arrived, and we all ran out into the water. I decided to be sun-safe, and went off to the bathroom to lather myself in sun-block and grab my big sun hat that I always wear to the beach.

I was just putting on my sunblock, when Pierre walked in. I had been waiting for his next attack.


“Belle, wait.” He interrupted me, “You’re going to laugh at me, and make fun of me, because… well this was one of the most stupid things I’ve ever heard of, but…” He took a deep breath, “I don’t like you. At all. I like Cecilia. She’s completely amazing, and I never thought I could’ve had a chance with her, and then after you and I had sex, I thought, well what if I pretended I loved you, and then Cecilia might notice me as more than a friend of something, because I just wanted her to like me, but then she, I don’t know, I guess she became irritated and annoyed with me, for always bugging you, because everyone did, honestly, and she became really distant from me, and now I just want to go back and ignore the fact we had sex, and…everything from that point on.” Pierre grimaced.

I gaped at him.

I mean, was he fucking serious? All he had to do was tell Cecilia he liked her, at any point from about second year up until he confessed his fake love for me, instead, and him and Cecilia could have been a happy little couple.

But, no.

So, I did the one thing a girl could do: I bitch-slapped him, called him a fucking idiot and stalked out, sun hat in hand.

~~We spend a day in the sun and surf~~

 I hadn’t been mean or anything to Pierre, just kind of…ignored him.

He was just SO ANNOYING!

I can’t believe everything he made us do, just so he could try in some crazy, complicated way to get Cecilia to like him. Everyone who knew Cecilia at all knew that she hated that stuff anyway.

But that evening, once the boys had gone, and we were going to flu home, I told Cecilia.

She was ecstatic, although I don’t know why.

“Oh my gosh, that’s soo cute! No boy has ever done something like that for me before!” She sighed dreamily.

“Celi, he told me he loved me!” I said, a bit confused about why she thought this was cute.

“Yeah, but he really loves me.” She sighed.

I laughed, and shook my head. “Okay, whatever you say, ma Cherie.”

~~We floo home, sleep, wake up~~

That morning I decided to ring Pierre up – If Celi forgave him, I had no reason to stay angry.

“Belle?” He answered timidly.

“Hi, Pierre. I…Over-reacted?” I said.

“You think?!” Pierre cried.

“Okay, okay! Anyway, I just wanted to let you know I have no hard feelings, so, yeah…”

“Thanks for that.” I could almost hear Pierre grinning down the phone.

“So…Are you going to ask Cecilia out, then?” I asked casually.

“I...errr, I wasn’t planning to.” He said, kind of sadly.

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