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March 22
Interview for Fuse

Interviewer: I am Tiffany and today I am joined with the members of The Scarlet Daggers. Alex Way, Bandit Way, Jack Iero, and and Casey Toro. How ironic is it that all of these members are children of the band members from My Chemical Romance?

Bandit: It kinda is but then again we grew up with each other. Especially me and Alex.

Interviewer: Yes. I have a question. Is any of your parents talking to Bob Bryar?

Bandit: I don't think so. I would like to say something please don't ask us anything about our parents ask us questions about us. We are not our parents. Call me rude but if you wanted to talk about our parents interview them not us.

Interviewer: Okay. Bandit I have a few questions for you?

Bandit: Ask.

Interviewer: What was the first instrument you learned how to play?

Bandit: It was guitar. Frank Ireo taught me. I remember going shopping with Frank to get something for my dad's birthday. I couldn't have been older then seven and I saw this beautiful black acoustic guitar in the store and said, "'Frankie.'" I pulled on his sleeve and he got do to eye level and asked, '"What, Bandit?"' I asked, 'I want that guitar for my birthday.' And he said, 'I'll teach you how to play too.'

Interviewer: That is a lovely story. Who taught you how to play bass?

Bandit: It was kinda joint effort. Uncle Mikey and my mom. I wanted a Bass Guitar so my Uncle Mikey gave me one of his old ones and started teaching, but then his band went away on tour so my mom helped me learn.

Interviewer: Casey, you play drums correct?

Casey: Yes, I do.

Interviewer: Why did you decide to learn drums?

Casey: I always have had pretty good rhythm so I decided why not play drums. Then it kinda became what I liked the most.

Interviewer: Interesting. Alex you are lead on vocals, am I correct?

Alex: You are correct. I always liked to sing. Uncle Gee gave me pointers and helped me get over my intense stage fright.

Interviewer: That was nice of Gerard. Jack that leaves you on guitar, correct?

Jack: I do play guitar. I also play acoustic guitar while Bandit plays either Ukulele or piano on the acoustic versions.

Interviewer: The fans sent a few questions to ask. What is your favorite color?

Jack: I love the color blue. Like pale pastel blue.

Alex: Maroon is mine. I have no idea why.

Casey: Black.

Bandit: My favorite color is Blood Red. I just really like that shade. It's too die for.

Interviewer: Do you guys know the ships for the band?

Bandit: Nope.

Jack: No idea.

Casey: No I do not.

Alex: I read fanfics but none about my own band, that's just plan weird.

Interviewer: Well they ship Banick, Bandit Lee Way and Jack Martin Iero and Casslex, Casey Ray Toro and Alexander Mikey Way. The fans are wondering if either are canon?

Bandit: Time will tell. If we want to admit that any are canon it would not be in an interview.

Alex: The new album will be released late next week and stay tuned for tour dates. 

Casey: We love you all.

Jack: So long and good night. 

The Amazing Life Of Bandit WayWhere stories live. Discover now