Discovery Of A Band

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Three Years Ago
Bandits POV

I'm practicing, Monday night rehearsal. After my after school music Activities, Show Choir, three hours.
Casey's on the drum, Alex singing, and my Jack on the guitar part. We were playing The Only Hope For Me Is You by none other then My Chemical Romance.
Me I feel slightly terrible. My dad for some reason had all the original copies of the song, in a box thing labeled Music, My Chem.
Bass music, drum whatever, I had every part I personally rewrote the guitar part so only one person had to play, it was difficult but fun.
He must've heard Alex, or the song. My dad walks in, Shit.
He asks, "What is this?"
I say, "It's not a band, currently it's just a thought about a band."
"Your good."
"Ban, why are you questioning me?"
"I'm not sure how to respond. I just want you to be proud."
"I am. Did you make this song for one guitar part?"
"Yeah. I had help to make sure it sounded good."
"Have you guys written any songs?"
"Yes. Alex and Jack have, I helped." I'm not all that good with words.
"Let me say it bluntly. You guys are better then us, at least when we began. Let me call your parents out here."
Alex asks in a small voice, "Are we going to have to preform in front of them. This is only what, our third practice?"
Casey says, "Fourth, Alex. Its our fourth."
Jack says, "Casey, the first doesn't count. We were rewriting this song and coming up with a band name."
Alex sighs. He likes Toro, even I can tell just I'm sure Alex can tell I like the skinny guitarist.
I say, "I'd call it three and a half. Do you want to know why we ran through the song once all together besides I made Jack play it a ton of times so that I could make sure his part sounded alright and semi close to the original."
My father screams, "Frankie, Jamia, Lyn-Z, Mikey, Katie, Ray, and Christa come here.
I pull Alex to the side. I say, "You'll do fine. You've been singing in front of them practically since birth. Oh, and you can come out now. You like Toro. No one will hate you. Toro likes you as well."
He says, "Ban, I do but I have a girlfriend."
"Ok. Some other time then."
"Ban, why don't you say you like Iero, no one will care. Besides he likes you."
I slur, "My father, Alex. His father. Do you even pay attention? Your nothing like your father."
"I get that a lot and times gone by. Things have changed."
"I know. Looks like it's time to preform."
We walk back onto the temporary stage. And I do what is basically a 'role call.'
I ask, "Jack, are you ready?"
Jack says, "I'm ready."
"Casey, are you set up?"
Casey says, "Let's get this over with."
"Alex, are you ready?"
Alex says, "As ready as I'm ever going to be."
"I guess I'm ready. Let's do this."
Jack says, "We are playing The Only Hope For Me Is You."
We play the song.
After the song Ray, Frankie, Uncle Mikey, and my father talk for a bit. Alex is pulling at his sleeves. I move my hands a bit, thinking about grabbing Jack's hand but I of course think better of it.
I have little fear I don't hear most of the argument but I catch this.
Frankie says, "There's no denying it. They have talent. More then we did when we were signed. We have to get them signed Ray."
Ray counters, "What if the same thing that happened to our band happens to them?"
Mikey counters in a normal voice, "Its highly improbable that it'll happen again, especially saying each of these members are children of the final four band members and grew up together. So if it were to happen it'd be a fluke and odd. I say let them go for it. If it is what they desire. Ray, let him grow up."
My father says, "We're not biased about this they're better then us and deserve a shot if that's what they want."
Frank asks us, "What do you want?"
I say, "We want a shot. Right?"
Jack says, "Yes, I know I do. Casey?"
Casey says, "I, of course do. Alex, your the last vote."
Alex says, "I guess I want a shot too."
Ray says, "That settled it. We need to record some demos and call up Fueled By Ramen."
I say, "Guys. We've done it."
Giving Jack, Casey, and Alex a high five.

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