Dirty Little Secret

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Not Mine: Tumblr: steampunkhowell

Summary: Phil's girlfriend doesn't like it rough, but Dan, Phil's ex, does. Dan teases Phil till he finally gives in and they do the do.

Genre: does this sound like fluff to you??? no. it is sin. pure sin.
Warnings: spanking, praise kink(ish), daddy kink, rough sex, breaking bed, blowjobs
A/N: sin. but there's like two sentences of fluff at the end yay!!

Dan never let go the fact that they'd broken up. He knew it, but didn't care. He was occasionally flirting with Phil, not even bothering that Phil had a girlfriend. They lived together, he couldn't be expected to act as though nothing had every happened.

He did try not to talk about Phil's girlfriend. He wouldn't say it out loud, but he was definitely really jealous of her. Because she still had what Dan once had had, and it wasn't fair that way.

But sometimes, her existence pushed him over the point he could handle, and he gave up.

"You know, I could hear you guys earlier today," Dan mentioned coolly, trying not to seem too mad.

Both of them were sat on the couch, Dan scrolling through his phone, Phil watching the television.

"You live with me, you have to expect that," Phil mentioned, turning slightly red. "Sorry."

"That isn't what I mean. I don't give a fuck about sex noises, I hear you make them when you're alone too."
Phil rolled his eyes.

"She's pretty quiet, though, isn't she?" Dan asked, putting his phone down and looking at Phil.

"I don't think that matters to you, Dan." Phil didn't look away from the television.

"Maybe it doesn't. I'm just wondering why, though."

"Why?" Phil raised an eyebrow. "Why my girlfriend is quiet in bed? Why would that matter?"

"No, why you couldn't make her louder than that," Dan answered. "You know what I mean."

Phil didn't respond. He already knew what was coming.

"Because I wasn't too loud either. You know, before I had you."


"You can't just act like it never happened. I still remember it. I would be moaning, you'd fuck me wherever. Remember that time we broke the bed? Does your girlfriend know the marks on the wall are from where the bedpost hit it because it was shaking so hard because of how rough you were?"

"No," Phil muttered.

"You aren't as rough with her as you were with me, are you? God, I loved that. And so did you, don't deny it."

"Dan," Phil warned.

"You used to do all kinds of things to me. Spanking, punishment, toys. I still use those toys sometimes on myself, since you don't use them on me," Dan continued, scooting closer to Phil, speaking as though this were an everyday concept.

Dan noticed Phil get a shade redder.

His pale skin hid nothing. "I don't need to know that."

"I still think of you, too," Dan whispered.

"Dan, it's been months. I have a girlfriend." Phil was trying to focus on the television, but was obviously having a hard time at that.

"You aren't even rough with her, are you? That's why she's so quiet? You go all vanilla with her?" Dan let out an almost bitter laugh.

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