A Lie through Confusion

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THIS ISN'T MY STORY! I got this from tumblr : steampunkhowell
Contains sex, swearing, sadder thoughts, most are about kinks usually but its pretty vanilla

"Why don't you tell me why, Dan?"

Phil's words echoed Dan's mind. He searched for an answer that he could use. Any answer he gave would be a lie, because he didn't know the answer. He didn't know what happened, what snapped, what made him change. Because frankly, he didn't think anything did. He didn't mean a thing he'd done them anyways, and regretted it all.

The story didn't start the night before. The backstory didn't start a week ago either. Because the backstory behind it started in October, all the way back in 2009.

They were only meeting for the first time, but it was so important to either of them. Because Dan had been waiting to meet the boy for months and months long, and was finally getting the chance. And the second he'd gotten there, he couldn't stop staring at Phil.

"You're staring again", Phil remarked, grinning and sticking his tongue out teasingly.

Dan got flustered quick. Nearly anything Phil said cause him to go bright red. Whether it be subtle complements, or plain out obvious flirting. Dan still had no idea whether or not Phil ment a word of it. Although he didn't say it out loud, he really did.

"You're blushing again," Phil pointed out.

"Its cold out," Dan lied. It wasn't completely a lie. It was definitely not summer weather there in the middle of autumn, but that was definitely not the reason Dan was red either.

"You want to borrow my jacket?"

Dan's redness definitely didn't decrease at that. If anything it made him redder. "N-no."

"You don't have to be nervous, Dan" Phil chuckled.

Dan bit his tongue, deciding arguing that he wasn't nervous wouldn't improve the situation at all. And he was pretty sure he could have disregarded of it completely, if he hadn't felt Phil's hand ghosting around his waist.

It could have been a friendly gesture. It could have ment something else. And frankly, Dan had no idea which.

Phil's arm stayed like that often from then on. Even when they were in the Manchester eye, Phil's arms stayed there. Dan looked over at Phil every so often. He decided to take the risk, overcome with the feeling of happiness while sitting up there, and put his head onto Phil's shoulder as they watched the city below them.

Phil didn't respond negatively. Instead, he grinned to himself, pulling Dan closer.

"Tell me if I'm making you uncomfortable, you know," Phil said.

"You're not," Dan assured. "You're definitely not." 

Phil smiled wider.

"Can- Could I- Can I kiss you?" Dan forced out, stuttering and blushing more than he'd been since he ment Phil. " I men, not of you think it's weird. I don't want anything to awkward between us, and I-"

Phil cut Dan off with his lips, kissing his gingery as though he was fragile and would fall apart in Phil's hands. It took Dan a minute to process everything happening, his yes widened before he kissing back, trying his best not to smile against his lips.

"It's not going to be awkward between us, trust me," Phil assured, still grinning widely.

There was never any spoken agreement that they were boyfriends. But if you asked either when their relationship started, they'd point you back to that date. Because after that first kiss, they were with each other as often as they could be, more kisses the same shared.
Over the next few years, they grew even closer. They moved in together, became radio hosts together, did nearly everything together.

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