Jace and I slept together, just holding hands, when we thought that we were brother and sister. I reminded myself of this, shaking the thought of it somehow being wrong. I closed my eyes, letting myself fall asleep.

When I came to, I opened my eyes. My gaze immediately shifted to Sebastian and I noticed that his eyes were closed. He had a peaceful look on his face and I bit my lip. I wondered how someone that looked so angelic could hold as much evil within them as he did.

"You're staring." He said without opening his eyes. I let out a sigh of annoyance and his eyes opened, a chuckle escaping his lips.

I rolled off of the bed, walking away and into the bathroom. I started to brush my teeth, nearly jumping out of my skin when I looked up at the mirror to see Sebastian standing at the door. He was watching me intently, his dark eyes following my every move. I started brushing slower, waiting for him to say something.

"Do you want breakfast?" He asked, leaning against the door-frame.

"If it's not too much to ask." I responded, ducking down toward the sink to rinse my mouth. When I looked up again, I saw that he was gone. I walked into my room, taking out a t-shirt and a pair of comfortable jeans to wear. Thankfully, he'd updated the pants section of the wardrobe.

I started walking down the stairs until I saw that he was waiting at the bottom of them for me. I forced a smile, hesitating before meeting him, "I hope you're hungry."

"When aren't I hungry?" I asked, looking up at him.

"Okay, follow me." He told me and I found myself rolling my eyes.

"I know where the kitchen is," I responded as I walked past him, trying to remember which way to go. After a few long seconds, I recalled and I began to walk again. After a few steps, I was standing in the middle of the kitchen. I turned around, "See Seb-" I stopped when I realized that he wasn't behind me.

"I suppose you do have fairly good memory after all," I heard his voice from behind me and I whirled, narrowing my eyes at him. Now he was beside the sink, a grin on his lips.

"Wow, you're so cool," I said, resisting the urge to roll my eyes again. I looked at the kitchen table, noticing that there was quite literally a buffet atop it, "You made all of this? When?"

"Yep, I snuck out of bed earlier. You're a pretty heavy sleeper so it's easy to come and go without you waking up." He responded glancing at the table, "I didn't make eggs, though. I know that you don't like eggs and quite frankly, I am still unsure how to make them." He paused for a moment, "I'll be upstairs while you eat."

"Why are you leaving?" I asked, tilting my head slightly.

"I figured you'd want to be alone while you eat," He responded, his dark eyes seeming slightly lighter than usual, "I mean, you do still hate me, right?"

"No," I responded quicker than I intended to, "I mean... Yeah, right? Aren't I supposed to? You... You killed Max." I looked down, biting my lip.

"I was hoping that you wouldn't mention that," He told me. I heard a sigh escape his lips, "Clary, you don't have to like me. You just... Have to stay here. Or else I'll kill everyone that you do like."

At that, I looked up, "What?" I said, a look of horror on my face. When my gaze shifted up to him, I saw that he had a smile on his face and was quietly laughing.

"I'm kidding, Clary," His laughter faded, but his smile remained.

"You'd better be," I said, a frown forming on my lips.

"Why do you look so sad? I made you food," He asked, "I thought everyone liked food."

"Are you trying to make peace with me?" I questioned, and his smile faded, "Hey, wait. Your smile."

"What about it?" He asked, a slight tilt to his head.

"You just... don't usually smile," I murmured.

"Yes I do," he gave a sad smile this time, "But no one is ever here to see it."

I felt a dull ache in my chest, gnawing at my insides. I felt... bad for him, "Have you been living here by yourself?" My mind went back to the time when he had two girls here. It felt like such a long time ago, waking up to see blood splatters in the hallway. "She's alive," he'd promised. And she was.

"Yeah," he responded, "I don't need anyone else. I'm fine by myself."

"Then why did you take me?"

"Because I love you, Clary." His voice was gentle. I tilted my head slightly, looking up at him. For a moment, I almost believed him. I cast my gaze downwards and I saw his hands that looked exactly like my mother's, delicate. But they weren't at all like hers. People died at his hands. Max died at his hands.

I took a step backwards, "You don't know what love is," I said simply. I saw him take a moment, seemingly in thought, before moving past me with grace and walking upstairs.

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