"Oh yes my lovely dear son, you may go to your room." My dad sarcastically says in my head. I laugh out loud at his childish act.

Entering my room, I go straight to my closet and since I am leaving forever, I think it best to empty it. Busy emptying the closet while humming along to a song playing in my head, I don't hear Cad entering. So I'm startled once turning around to see him sitting on my bed. In the process, my leg gets caught up in the clothes lying on the ground, so down I go.

"Ow! ow! ow! What the hell Cadmael?" I yell at the stupid boy laughing on my bed. He just looks at me and goes back to laughing. I stand up groaning in pain. Just because I'm a werewolf doesn't mean I don't feel pain. I watch my friend laugh to his heart's content.

"Okay enough with the laughing. How may I help you? Or did you come to help me instead?" I ask him.

"I came to see you but if you need my help, I will gladly do so." He states looking around the room. "Since I heard you asked very nicely for my help too." He adds sarcastically.

Rolling my eyes at him, I start picking the clothes and depositing them in my case. There are two of them which will all be used due to the many clothes I will be taking. We both get busy, packing silently having no need for words.

Kelvin comes in, a while later, after knocking on the door. I look up to see my older brother smiling proudly at me. He lifts his hands signaling a hug. I ran to him feeling his warmth once I am in his arms.

"I missed you, Kel. Gosh! I missed you so much." I whisper happily still in his arms. He presses his chin on my head and we stay that way for a while, both lost in our world. A clearing throat breaks the peaceful time. I'm released from his arms and we both turn to see a blushing Cad sitting cross legged on the bed.

"Um, hello Kel." He rushes the words out and looks down blushing once again. I smirk at my friend's behavior.

"Embarrassing ourselves now, are we?"

"Shut up Kacy," he says with a scowl.

"Well I'm not the one who turns to a chicken each time I see my childhood crush." I say shrugging innocently.

"What? I do not and he is not my crush," glaring he stands up matching his way to the door.

"Please don't leave Cady; we still have clothes to pack." I face him pouting, sticking my bottom lip out.

"Looks like your mouth will help you do that because it's rude. I'm still leaving and stop calling me that!" He shouts at me. I give him a smile knowing that I'm getting on his nerves.

"Cady? But you are Cady, my best of best friend." I giggle seeing his red face, both embarrassed and mad.

"Ugh! Be that way, bye Kelvin." He leaves the room heading down the stairs while I'm laughing, feeling good at the nice payback. He did laugh when I fell on the floor.

"Well, I'm glad to see you're happy and smiling as usual. I missed this side of you." Kel says making himself comfortable on my messy bed. Done laughing, I join him lying on one side and facing my brother. The reality of leaving comes once again in my mind. The happy atmosphere long gone.

Sensing my distress, Kel seriously looks at me. "What's wrong Kac?" I look down feeling a tear escape my eyes. "Come here," I see my brother opening his arms for me. I stand going in his arms for the second time tonight. "Now tell me what's wrong." He says calmly.

"I'm leaving, that's what's wrong. What if I'm not good enough for him? What if the pack doesn't like me? What if," I choke out, a sobbing mess now. "What if he doesn't want me? What then?" I cry out loud.

"Don't think that okay?" He tries to assure me but I can't think otherwise. I continue crying on his chest.

"Listen to me Kacper!" He growled. "You are perfect just the way you are so don't think negatively. Who can't like you? You're funny, kind, honest and mostly, beautiful. Your personality screams likable. The pack will love you and so will your mate. He will want you just as much. So stop not giving yourself some credit. Have faith in yourself and don't let people change who you are. Now tell me, who are you?" During his speech my sobs slowly reduced that now I wasn't crying anymore. I look up at him from his chest, my heart beats loudly in my chest. I'm proud to have him as a brother, I'm so lucky.

"I'm Kacper Kali Magnolia." I proudly state with a smile on my face.

"That's my little brother." Kel beams down at me. "Now, how about some sleep? You have a long journey tomorrow." He suggests while laying me down on the bed, pulling the covers up to my chest. I go to protest but he cuts me off. "I will finish the packing for you, anything for my little brother. Now sleep." He demands, kissing me on the forehead.

"Good night Kacy." Sighing in content, I mumble a reply and let myself drift off to the dreamland.

"Good night, Kel."


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