I Think of You

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I watch through the window as a little boy runs through the park, gripping onto the small fingers of a little girl, both grinning from eye to eye.

I think of you.

I watch through the window as a teenage couple walk through the streets - his arm around her shoulders and hers around his waist.

I think of you.

I watch through the window at the guy who strips off his jacket, handing it to a red-faced, blonde-haired and blue-eyed girl.

I think of you.

I watch through the window at the woman in a pretty red dress placing a gentle kiss on the cheek of the dark-skinned man next to her, as he passes her a Costa coffee.

I think of you.

I watch through the window as a man lowers himself onto one knee and slips a black, leather box out of his trouser pocket. I watch the woman's body sinks into his arms as she cries and repeatedly whispers "yes!" into his ear.

I think of you.

I think of how these people love each other in the same way I love you.

I think of how they can love each other openly, and I think of how we can't.

I think of how people look at those couples - with adoration and a hint of envy. And I think of how people look at us - with disgust and a hint of confusion.

I think of what life would be like, if I was like them, if I was straight.

But I realise that I love you.

And I realise that I wouldn't change us for the world.


This isn't the best, as always, but I figured I'd write it anyway because it's an incredibly important topic and very personal to me.

Since it's coming out day tomorrow (11th October) I might as well come out (no pun intended) and say it... I'm queer as hell :)))

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