i'm fine

697 40 5

One day, I hope they see
that this isn't what I want to be

I don't want to be different
I don't want to be 'ill'
but I can't escape it
I'm human still

You tell me to change
and call me names
don't you see?
I don't want to play your games

You games are twisted
sick and cruel
you stand there and laugh
as if I'm the fool

It's not for attention
that's not what I need
I don't want your 'help'
I just want to be freed

freed from this body
this chamber, this cage
start a new future
a new leaf, a new page

But what's the point with a future like mine,
non-existent and empty but I guess I'm fine


'I'm fine' or alternatively titled 'Human'.

Late Night ThoughtsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon